Follow that Bottle.


Dedicated Member
A few photo's for those of us who can't get in person,of the lovely river walk at Holmfirth that was used in Follow that Bottle,starting at the bridge that's been in lots of episodes.
Follow that Bottle

Great pictures thank you for sharing them , the bridge is iconic some of the greats from the cast sadly no longer with us have spent time gazing over the bridge parapets . Looking at it now it seems very tranquil and no clue that there was ever anyone famous who has stood on it.
I can remember watching filming some of the scenes for this,some were done is Marsden and some in Holmfirth, one scene took almost 4 hours filming to get the bottle to flow down the river, kept getting caught on stones etc, on screen it last for all of 10 seconds
Great pictures thank you for sharing them , the bridge is iconic some of the greats from the cast sadly no longer with us have spent time gazing over the bridge parapets . Looking at it now it seems very tranquil and no clue that there was ever anyone famous who has stood on it.
It's a lovely location,buts its not secluded at all,its right off the main road,Huddersfield road,and next to a leisure centre,and there's a childrens playground within yards of it,I stood on the bridge and also thought of all the people who had been there,the walk along the river Holme is lovely though.
I can remember watching filming some of the scenes for this,some were done is Marsden and some in Holmfirth, one scene took almost 4 hours filming to get the bottle to flow down the river, kept getting caught on stones etc, on screen it last for all of 10 seconds
Wow that's amazing Terry,the work they put into each episode !!
Terry, is the bridge identified on our Google Summer Wine location map?
I hope Terry doesn't mind me answering,but yes it is,its next to the leisure centre just off Huddersfield road across from the Holme Memorial Hospital,on the locations map it's just marked "The Bridge"
If you're coming away from Holmfirth on Huddersfield road you will pass the fire station on your right,not much further along,also on your right,you will see that stone Holmfirth sign and you can turn into the leisure centre to park,I think its free but not sure because I parked next to the fire station and walked,the leisure centre car park is literally next to the river,and the bridge no more than a hundred yards or so,If you're walking,just walk down from the main road where that stone sign is,if you look to the left of the photo you will see the white path that takes you to it,again,its no more than a hundred yards or so.
I hope Terry doesn't mind me answering,but yes it is,its next to the leisure centre just off Huddersfield road across from the Holme Memorial Hospital,on the locations map it's just marked "The Bridge"
Thanks so much Pete. I will look for it on the map. Great pics again!
Thanks Dennis,the weather forecast for next week is quite good,and I'v got some great locations that I plan to get to,Howard and Pearls,The Glory Hole,and I intend to have a "Norman Clegg Day" when I take my book and flask up into the hills and just lay on the grass exactly where he did,and finish off with a drink in a Summerwine pub,after I'v posted those I'll give it a rest for a bit,
and finish off with a drink in a Summerwine pub

So which pub? We used to really like the Old Bridge, but it seems to
have changed for the worse. We like the ales in The Nook, but gets
too crowded and noisy at times. Brambles is way too upscale for
a pub. Usually the Postcard is too empty and quiet.

For Sunday meal we do like The Fleece up in Holme, but their ales
are never really special.

Which SW Pub(s) do you prefer??
You know your pubs Chuck !
On my day in the hills,I'll be parking at Jackson Bridge cos I'm going to take a look at Howard and Pearls,and I'll be going up Tinkers Monument,in almost every episode,from the Foggy days and beyond,I recognise several locations that they keep returning to up there,with Cleggy and his companians chilled out on the hills,I'm going to do the same,as for the pubs,as far as I know there are only two Summerwine pubs in Jackson Bridge and they are the White Horse and the Butchers Arms,don't know if any others from the village were ever featured,it'll only be for a meal and a soft drink in the Butchers,but they've forecast a sunny day and it will round the day off lovely.
two Summerwine pubs in Jackson Bridge and they are the White Horse and the Butchers Arms

The Butcher's Arms that I remember (fondly) was in Hepworth. I understand
that when it moved it got modern, fashionable, and not nearly as good as
it used to be. But the old Butcher's Arms had some fine ales. How is the
new one?[SIZE=+0]
The Butcher's Arms that I remember (fondly) was in Hepworth. I understand
that when it moved it got modern, fashionable, and not nearly as good as
it used to be. But the old Butcher's Arms had some fine ales. How is the
new one?[SIZE=+0]
I didn't know there was an older Butchers Arms,pubs are not my strong point,when I go on my days walking I'm driving and don't call in them,there's only one Butchers Arms that I know,and that's been in loads of episodes,going back years when Foggy was in it,right up to the end,I don't know if its technically in Hepworth though,when I go to Jackson Bridge I usually park on the hill near the White Horse,and if you walk up towards the church used in Uncle of the Bride,the Butchers Arms is across from it,I think there is a Red Lion on the main road,but can't recall it being used in the series.
It's a lovely location,buts its not secluded at all,its right off the main road,Huddersfield road,and next to a leisure centre,and there's a childrens playground within yards of it,I stood on the bridge and also thought of all the people who had been there,the walk along the river Holme is lovely though.

Does the footpath along the river continue from the bridge just off the car park by the pool all the way into Holmfirth, or is it necessary to go back out to a road at some point? It looks as though the bit of river beside the foundry, just before Bridge Lane, might be unpleasant.
