Frozen Turkey Man.


Staff member
I just have to say that although The Frozen Turkey Man is no where near the top of my list of favourite I do love the beginning when their all bobbing about the bush looking to Compos cocoa tin, Cleggs face has he looks surprised that he has moved location and Foggy not knowing where either of them will pop up next is one of the funniest and best timed scenes there is.
Having them move around like that was different. I suppose you can only have them walking in the hills so much. It was funny having Compo pop up in different area, and Clegg baffled:13: wondering where he would end up next!:22:
Ugggghh! I just finished a five day course where I missed Summer Wine all week. Today was our last day and we ended earlier. I had a chance of making it home just in time to see the 2nd daily airing. However, I got behind an extra slow student driver and ended up missing the first ten minutes of Frozen Turkey Man. I do enjoy Foggy in that episode.

Wally was hilarious in that episode. Not too change the direction of Pearl's thread too much, but why was Wally used so little? I know I brought this up before

On a side note, Cheering Up Ludovic will be scheduled for next week. This is an episode that gets a lloy of praise here but I never got into. I haven't seen it for a while so maybe I will gain a greater appreciation for it.
Ugggghh! I just finished a five day course where I missed Summer Wine all week. Today was our last day and we ended earlier. I had a chance of making it home just in time to see the 2nd daily airing. However, I got behind an extra slow student driver and ended up missing the first ten minutes of Frozen Turkey Man. I do enjoy Foggy in that episode.

Wally was hilarious in that episode. Not too change the direction of Pearl's thread too much, but why was Wally used so little? I know I brought this up before

On a side note, Cheering Up Ludovic will be scheduled for next week. This is an episode that gets a lloy of praise here but I never got into. I haven't seen it for a while so maybe I will gain a greater appreciation for it.

Your question about Wally is something I've often thought too, I loved him he was so funny. His face was always a picture.

I'm not keen on Cheering Up Ludovic either but there were some funny scenes in there, Nora and Wally in the bike and side car are always worth tuning in for.
Thank you so much for this post, Pearl. I tend to work on the computer or wash dishes or something while I "watch" the show. Consequently I do miss some good things. I had never noticed that scene so watched it last night. It was great. I won't miss it again.

There are so many episodes that maybe aren't my favorite but have really good scenes in them. "And A Dewhurst Up A Fir Tree" is not a favorite but I love the scenes where Ivy and Nora plot to teach Compo a lesson and then de-pants him in the café.
Both Frozen Turkey Man and Cheering up Ludovic are good episodes In my view. Looks like I might be in the minority. The bit in Ludovic with the runaway camper van always makes me laugh out loud.
Both Frozen Turkey Man and Cheering up Ludovic are good episodes In my view. Looks like I might be in the minority. The bit in Ludovic with the runaway camper van always makes me laugh out loud.

There are bits in every episode that make me laugh even if the overall show isn't a favourite one :)
Your question about Wally is something I've often thought too, I loved him he was so funny. His face was always a picture.

I'm not keen on Cheering Up Ludovic either but there were some funny scenes in there, Nora and Wally in the bike and side car are always worth tuning in for.

See, that is my point exactly, Pearl. You mention another episode and point out one specific scene that is hilarious and it is the rare Nora and Wally scene. I believe the seldom use of Wally was used in Lotterby's era as well as Bell's. Therefor, it must has been a Clarke vision that small doses of this couple were perfect and perhaps using them too much would have lessened the quality. (I don't know, it is just speculation). However, the couple was in the early part of the show where there was even more concentrated emphasis on the trio only.
Both Frozen Turkey Man and Cheering up Ludovic are good episodes In my view. Looks like I might be in the minority. The bit in Ludovic with the runaway camper van always makes me laugh out loud.

Quite the contrary, Amos. I recall a lot of Cheering Up Ludovic praise in this forum. I forget by whom, but I don't think it is just you. I never really liked Ludovic but I will give it another try. I don't know if I ever saw that episode in its entirety. I will try extra hard to catch it undisturbed this coming week.
Quite the contrary, Amos. I recall a lot of Cheering Up Ludovic praise in this forum. I forget by whom, but I don't think it is just you. I never really liked Ludovic but I will give it another try. I don't know if I ever saw that episode in its entirety. I will try extra hard to catch it undisturbed this coming week.

Oh, yes, Amos and Cod, the actor playing Ludovic ( escapes me now ) does a brilliant job! Standing on the wall and swinging in defiance. Luv it. Of course, any time we have Nora and Wally together is great. Is that the one with, "I think it were a lorry."?
See, that is my point exactly, Pearl. You mention another episode and point out one specific scene that is hilarious and it is the rare Nora and Wally scene. I believe the seldom use of Wally was used in Lotterby's era as well as Bell's. Therefor, it must has been a Clarke vision that small doses of this couple were perfect and perhaps using them too much would have lessened the quality. (I don't know, it is just speculation). However, the couple was in the early part of the show where there was even more concentrated emphasis on the trio only.

I think the little gems we have from those two are to be cherished. It would have been nice to see more of them but would that have made them less unique?

I think the most we saw of them was in The mysterious Feet Of Nora Batty which is one of my favorites.

The era Nora and Wally were featured the episodes were mainly lead by the three men with just snippets of other characters breaking the scenes up whereas later with the addition of more characters lead to them being more prominent, if Joe Gladwin had been around for a few more years I think we would have seen Wally and Nora taking centre stage a bit more.

I would loved to have seen a show dedicated to those two I think it would have been hilarious.
Wasn't Wally about 20 years older than the rest of the crew? Maybe they didn't want to over tax him?
Wasn't Wally about 20 years older than the rest of the crew? Maybe they didn't want to over tax him?

True but when you think Bill Owen was 15 years older than Brian Wilde I think they just didn't take that into consideration when casting them, they didn't go easy on Bill and when you think they were supposed to have all gone to school together. :)

By todays standards Bill was old enough to be Brian's dad :39::39:
Perhaps they were on tenterhooks about the show, as in will it be a go? So perhaps Roy Clarke was just feeling his way through the development process. Also, it was not planned that Blamire would need to leave, so there was that wrinkle. So perhaps writing more Nora and Wally scenes sort of got lost; or perhaps he was planning to write more Nora and Wally scenes later on and then later never came.

Speaking of teabags, during the Depression, my great Aunt Janet used to be able to get 5 cups of tea from one teabag.
The Frozen Turkey Man is for me one of the finest episodes. It's this sort of episode I would present to someone who's never seen the series.
The Frozen Turkey Man is for me one of the finest episodes. It's this sort of episode I would present to someone who's never seen the series.

That sounds like a good title for a new thread.

What Episode Would You Recommend To Someone Who Has Never Seen Summer wine? :)
That sounds like a good title for a new thread.

What Episode Would You Recommend To Someone Who Has Never Seen Summer wine? :)

To be exact, such a thread was done about a year or two. I took part in it. If someone wants to do it all over again, I will partake again.