G.O.L.D Repeats


Apparently, there is going to be another repeat run of Summer Wine episodes from 1999-2003. I was wondering if anyone here knows how to transfer Sky Plus recordings to a computer.

I've asked at TheBox.bz for anyone who could upload these particular repeats from G.O.L.D from the sight, but I have since had no reply. And since no one else will upload these, I'm gonna have to do them myself.

If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know

I recall reading this is almost impossible using a sky box,they do not want you to do it,and I understand even removing the hard drive and connecting it to the computer did not help as it was encrypted

In the past I used a sky card in my Dreambox receiver,which allowed me to record onto the dreambox disc drive, the dreambox had networking,so no problem transferring the data to the computer

I believe you can come out of the sky box via the scart onto a dvd recorder,once on dvd you can mess about with it on your computer

I bought a Goodmans 80Gig hard-drive recorder a few years ago, so that i could record to the hard-drive, then burn to DVD.
Unfortunately, it was only later that i found out that you can only play the DVD's back on the Goodmans machine, as i realised when i gave a DVD to my daughter but it would not play in either her PC DVD drive, or her stand-alone DVD player.

I've since bought a video capture card with a breakout box, which has both analogue and s-video inputs, so i just use the Goodmans recorder as an interface for the scart leads, from the digi-box to the Goodmans, then s-video out to the PC.

Be aware that you need a decent PC with as much memery as you can get in it and a large processor, plus a USB11 external hard-drive would be handy for storing the finished vids, i then transfer them into a video editing programme and tidy the beginnings and endings up, you can use Windows movie maker for this.

G ; )
The reason you have problems playing the dvd on other machines is the disc were not finalised on the goodmans machine, this is normally a function on all dvd recorders,it writes to the disc telling the disc it is complete,otherwise normal dvd drives cannot read it, Terry
I have no problems with my V+ box from Virgin Cable. I play the recorded programs later on the tv and at the same time, record them via a scart lead on to a video tape. This enables me to bypass the adverts. Then it is a simple matter to dub the video tape to a dvd disc using the same combo-machine.
I would stress this is only a short-term measure until the dvd's are issued officially but at the rate they are coming out, I shall be under the ground before they catch up with the G.O.L.D. ones I already have. By the way, Amazon have the first seven sets (series 1 to 13/14) on offer at the moment for less than £7 each. I am tempted to get a spare set in case anything happens to my 'well-played' existing ones.
I am very grateful to G.O.L.D. for running these old series and also to this website for alerting me to their appearance in advance so that I can set my recorder. I picked up a lot of the specials last Christmas because you mentioned them on this site.
The reason you have problems playing the dvd on other machines is the disc were not finalised on the goodmans machine, this is normally a function on all dvd recorders,it writes to the disc telling the disc it is complete,otherwise normal dvd drives cannot read it, Terry

No Terry, the disc was finalised mate, it's a bit like the early Phillips CD recorders, you could only record to Phillips discs, unlessyou defeated it by putting a Phillips disc in first, let the machine read it and then use a straightened paper clip to eject the tray.
It would then record to any recordable CD, because it thought that the Phillips disc was still in.
It's a similar thing with the Goodmans, except it saves (writes) the data in a differents format, not DVD data.
I gave up and bought a Mac G5, i can now record straight to the Mac, using Final Cut Express, then convert to DVD.

G ; )