

Staff member
The Red Arrows often fly near my home but I never have my camera handy,then one afternoon as the light was fading I managed to snap this

Cannot help but think ... just outside of Askrigg and Leyburn,
not all that far from Hawes, are one or two really high really
steep hills where we walk. The hills are surrounded by deep

Very often when we walk these hills, looking down into the valleys,
we will be very VERY surprised by a huge roar as a fighter jet like
these goes zooming up the valley, usually doing one or two rolls,
and exiting while breaking the sound barrier with a huge BOOM!!!

Exciting at the time, and usually a bit frightening.

As we'll be there again in a few weeks, something to look
forward to. ;D
I get to see the red arrows every summer during the Sunderland air show and every time they amaze me.
Very impressive

Terry, it is amazing that you could get them to do the fly-over for the start-up of the new forum!

Seriously, those young pilots have lots of talent and skill.
It was not easy,I had to promise to polish all the aircraft,stand several rounds at the officers club and find somewhere local that still sells brylcreem