March is always a "mixed bag" for us in the US mid-Atlantic. We know February is going to be freezing. We know April will be beautiful. With March, we never know what we are going to get.
I agree. I am a little north of you in central Pennsylvania and sometimes we get a very heavy snow in March. I think we in the northeast of the US are ready for spring!
Happy March everyone.Ice storms hit us here in tennessee. daffodils and hyacinth are popping thru hope they make it to bloom. 60 degrees this week then next day 2-3 inches of slushy ice and snow! Ugh.
Does so remind me of the two Marches I spent on Long Island, NY, ten years apart.
Happy March everyone.Ice storms hit us here in tennessee. daffodils and hyacinth are popping thru hope they make it to bloom. 60 degrees this week then next day 2-3 inches of slushy ice and snow! Ugh.
If March comes in like a lion, then it should go out like a lamb.