
Great Photo Terry hank you for posting much appreciated ............... the bbbbbbbbblack widow in your camera lens and not a smile to be seen , wouldn't expect anything less .
Great picture.

Stephanie Cole looks as young as she did in Waiting for God. I've often thought it would have been hilarious to of had a show with Auntie Wainwright and Mr. Arkwright running the same shop, or rival shops next to each other. A passing pedestrian would not be safe!

Adanor, it sure looks like the new series of Still Open All Hours. The shop is really a hair dressers they make up the outside to look like Arkwright's place - if I have my info correct. Sorry, the name of the town escapes me at the moment. I'm sure someone can chime in with better info.
OK..I will add another guess clue to this one. Terry, you should get it straight away.
What is the link between this location and RED DWARF???
I have watched all of Dwarf and I have to say cannot think of a link between Doncaster and the show . At first thought about Back to Earth but that was shot on Coronation Street set, Comic shop in Richmond, Department store in Kingston and a military establishment in Farnborough where they filmed the Carbug sequence . None of the main cast are born in Doncaster . Only link I have found is Mark Williams[Father Brown, Fast Show] who plays a Salesman in Still Open All Hours and is of course Lister's best mate , besides Kochanski, Petersen in Dwarf .:)
There is a story going around the internet, that over last weekend a threat was made to David Jason while he was on set, when I visited the set this week I did notice they were keeping the onlookers much further back, they also had security staff outside of the barriers watching the watchers
Yes I am I thought it had run it's course on Series 3


I was originally of the opinion when it was first announced and I am still of that opinion now they should have left well alone when you have a classic like Open All Hours then any sequel is just a pale imitation of the original and I believe that is most definitely the case here . I assume that the BBC persuaded Roy Clarke rather than him pursue creating a post Open All Hours show I just wish he had moved onto pastures new .
I wasn't surprised they made a 4th series. While it is a pale imitation of the original it is pleasant enough viewing, which these days makes it stand out a bit from the rest of the dross.

As for my "connection" query with Red Dwarf, Arkwright's shop is actually on LISTER Avenue. (OK...weak I know :eyesroll::oops::28: )
Another connection Captain, would be LEROY...he played Jesus in the episode "Lemons":18: