Happiness in Single and Married Life

Very interesting topic and one that I can personally relate to.

I lived a bachelor life until I was almost 40 then married; now my wife is in permanent residential care and I am effectively 'single' again. Both life styles have their pluses and minuses.

However even Blamire still was fond of the lady in Oswestry NAAFI and it seems disappeared to resume this friendship when he left; Foggy went off with the post lady and we never heard any complaints.

Clegg was fond of his wife - like wondering how she would react to him being redundant; Wally and Sid complained but were really comforted by the solid dependable women. Howard still needed Pearl when he was unwell - and when thrown out as already stated, only wanted to get back.

Freedom - yes but also loneliness: you have been out, but eventually you return to the house where you will be on your own and it is not necessarily every day that you go out, so that part of living alone was not in the show (normally does not make good TV although done a few times with Hancock).

Thus getting together with your mates, even if they are quite different in class, likes and dislikes, gives you companionship and thus the comedy!

But I have to go off now and do my housework :mad: :mad: >:( >:( :unhappy::unhappy:- ironing, cooking and other stuff that those with spouses can share!

If you have permanent press shirts, you can just hang them directly out of the dryer and ironing not necessary. But then again ironing is such a comforting task.
Its still available here on Kindle, I just checked. I don't see why you can't get it there!
Thanks for the info. I have searched every which way and can't find it for Kindle here and I know it was offered about a year ago.

I did find it on the Amazon UK site but it says it's not available for delivery to my country.

Since I already have the paperback edition, I don't really need it. I just thought it would be nice to have for quick, easy reference. It is a puzzle though as to why it's no longer available here.
"" Stone me, What a life !! :( :( ""

As you can see I am/was a Hancock fan ;D

I have the DVD set of his TV stuff and some LPs with the radio material. Also have a book of scripts from Alan Simpson and Ray Galton which give me details of some of the radio material.

The one I was thinking of was called, "The bed sitting room" particularly which showed up the boredom of a Sunday. But there were also some radio scripts which explored the same theme.
Perhaps happiness as a single is relative to one's experience of marriage and the length of time one has been single. I was miserably married for a couple of years in my early twenties and have been living by myself since 1969, except for a few semesters in a dormitory as a late-blooming full time college student. I prefer the term 'by myself' rather than 'alone' because the second implies loneliness while the first implies enjoyment of my own company. I meet friends frequently to indulge in shared interests and I join up with groups for special interest holidays in the UK, so life is far from solitary. It would be pleasant to share the housework, but not worth the irritation of having someone else under the same roof all the time.



good points there, and there was a touch of gentle send-up about house work in my own case. I belong to the "lower wattage light bulbs do not show so much dust" approach to household cleaning!;D;D;D

I am just getting used to the new arrangements but having lived on my own until almost 40 years it should soon come back! Like a boomerang!:biggrin::biggrin: