Dedicated Member
Good Day everybody, here's hoping that your day will be sunny, warm and pleasant. I don't think that I will be doing anything different other than sitting and eagerly waiting for your posts to come in. It is a pleasure to read your input. I will be sat here on the settee with my weight mainly on my right butto......just a minute....... Is today's date an even number or an odd number? AHH, it's an even number, the 14th. That means that I will have all my weight on my left buttock. I have to alternate the weight distribution daily on my rear end in order to prevent my backside from going out of shape. I do remember last Christmas inadvertently putting my weight on the same cheek for four days. It was the right cheek and it became so flat that my body was inclined 90 degrees to the right when I sat down. As you can well imagine, this caused quite a few problems and my wife had to pour my drinks in my left ear through a piece of hosepipe and place a bucket under my right ear on account that there is nothing much in between them to absorb all of the liquid. In order to prevent that from happening again I place a drawing pin on the settee in a position that stops me from sitting on the wrong cheek. The only problem I have now is that my backside looks like a teabag.
Tea anyone?
Tea anyone?