Hello From Central Florida.


New Member
I accentually feel in love with Last of the Summer Wine while following the death of Trevor Bannister. I am retired from the USN and spend my time working in my yard and enjoying the heat. That's about it. I am hoping to learned as much as possible about this remarkable show.
Welcome aboard,there is plenty of info on the site and if you need to know something then just ask,we will all do our best to find the answer,just don't ask what was in Compo's matchbox,I doubt we will ever know the answer to that,Terry
Hello another friend. Theres an old British saying that "You dont have to be mad to work here but it helps"! We are not quite that bad but if you can keep a sense of fun you will get along fine.:12: I am 71 and have been a fan for years.:me:
Hello, another Floridian in our mists. Welcome to out little group, I look forward to reading your posts :D
Hello from Central Florida

Hello and welcome to our band of sisters and brothers all dedicated to LOTSW , I hope you enjoy the old Top Hat[chat] or Rabbit and Pork [talk] as our friends from London would put it .:o
Thanks to all,

I am on series 5. I am just taking it slow. I do follow other British shows like Are you being served and Keeping up keeping up the Appearance, but Last of the Summer Wine is tops for me.
Hi Melnick,welcome to the forum,its great to have you here,I love the fact that as far away as Florida there are people that share our love of the show and countryside,great to have you here,Pete.
Welcome Melnick. I'm in middle Tennessee,you will find there are fans here all over the states! More than I thought. Enjoy going thru your episodes and chime in to coversations. Great people here. Sense of humor is required. Always someone here to pick up,when the day has been trying! Just like popping in a dvd of summer wine. Enjoy