Help With An Episode Please


Although I have seen every episode on numerous occasions I can never remember their Titles.
In the early 80's they filmed a view episodes on the lake(s) in an area known as Cromwell Bottom Brookfoot Brighouse. Although the name is a connection to Oliver Cromwell once visiting the area I have never found any substance to this.

Although I am aware that they have also filmed more recent episodes on the upper lake its the 80's episode involving the canooist I am curious to find the title of.

In 1978 the lake was split into 2 with the top lake purchased by a water ski club and the lower by the local angling club. The water ski lake has always been private and has changed little since then and all the features are still easily recognisable from those early episodes. However, one episode was filmed on the lower lake which unfortunately has changed beyond recognition and regrettably not for the better.

I would be grateful if someone could assist me with the title name so I can locate the episode for posterity purposes. Its the one where the trio find a pile of clothes on the lakeside and assume that someone has committed suicide. Foggy sends Compo & Clegg into the water in search(not stunt men) which i am amazed with because in those days the water depth there soon dropped steeply to 15 feet from the margins.

Thankyou in anticipation.
Thanks Chuffer. Is that the same episode involving the ladder on the canal because the basin where that was filmed is only a mile down the road?
15 feet?? I hope they didn´t tell Peter because he can´t swim! Not again, he already had an accident in the canoo of Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe. I wouldn´t have thought that little stream is that deep!
I think there's some confusion on the episodes and canal/basin/streams that appeared..

"Ballad for Wind Instrument and Canoe" was filmed in the streams in Burnsall.

"In the Service of Humanity" was filmed in the canal basins at Brighouse.

The lake with the ski club and angling club was used for filming for "Hot Dog Vendor" and "From Wellies to Wetsuit".
Now I'm confused Claye. Do you mean 'Hey Big Vendor' or 'Beware the Hot Dog' ?!
Whoops! Beware the Hot Dog is correct, Chuffer! Thanks for that!

"Ballad for Wind Instrument and Canoe" is where all three including Blaimire fell in.

"In the Service of Humanity" is the funny ending at the canal with the ladder rotating.

"From Wellies to Wetsuit" - Compo trying to water ski.. and "Beware the Hot Dog" includes the Cromwell Brookfoot Lake.
I've just checked on you tube, it is 'In the Service of humanity'. Its the only episode that features the lower lake.
Are you talking about the canal basin at the end or are you talking about the little pond/lake at the beginning when they find the clothes?

I always figured the pond/lake at the beginning was that small pond in Holmfirth east of Nora Batty's house. I believe a Mill is there now called Bottoms Mill.
The place where they find the pile of clothes is on the lower lake.

It looks like a small piece of water but it isn't. Its just where the lake necks up and then opens up again. In the 70's the lake was split into 2 to cater for the ski club and angling club because i'm afraid the 2 factions cannot pursue their interests together in harmony. The majority of the filming has been done on the top lake. I have noticed also that they have done a small amount of filming on the canal towpath which runs along the side of the lake.

There's a layby on the road next to the lake that is elevated and provides a good view of the area, but looking behind the layby there is access to the top of the hillside via a farm up a good number of steps but the view is fabulous if you take the trouble to climb them. I visit the area regularly. I will take a few photographs the next time i'm up there because they will clearly show the spots where they have filmed over the years.
I think some of the confusion might stem from the fact that, as I understand it, they may well use two locations for the same episode which they hope you will perceive as the same - hence where they drop into water is usually not very dangerous whereas the long shots show an entirely different scene.
mmm quite possible. I'll look at this particular scene again when i get chance to see if its the case on this occasion. I've spent the last 30 years walking and fishing this particular lake so i will know if there's a different location involved. I certainly know thats the case on some of the scenes filmed on the upper lake.
Please, can you tell me where is this lake?? Near
what? Off what road?? In all the years we have
been over, I cannot remember a lake. A few ponds,
yeah. Many many reservoirs, sure. Canals and rivers,
of course. But I cannot remember a lake.

Well, I must say it does make sense that they used that lake since it's close to the Brighouse Canal where they filmed the ending. Maybe I'm thinking of the beginning of "From Wellies to Wetsuit".


There's the lake with the water ski club and angling club west of the center of Brighouse


I'm thinking this is the beginning of From Wellies to Wetsuit where the trio discusses water and watching fish, then Sid appears in his wetsuit.
Claye, that location does look very much like Wellies, rather than Humanity.
If you look at the lower lake above the 3 islands, which weren't put in until the 90's, the lake narrows before reaching the top and thats the point where they found the pile of clothes...and they are up to the waist in that very spot.

The canal you can just make out running the length of the lakes between the lakes and the river Calder is where they did one brief take in Wellies to Wetsuit. The particular spot is just out of shot to the left. In those days there was access from the top lake to that particular length of canal so that makes sense.

What puzzles me however is an another episode( can't remember its name) from the same era which was filmed on the Kiklees Cut lower down the valley, of which there is a photograph on the forum, is one hell of a place to get to and you wonder what made them film there.

With a lot of the locations that I find you can understand why they were chosen and can usually easily picture where the camera crew and all there equipment would be but thats a strange choice especially when so far away from the normal filming locations.
What puzzles me however is an another episode( can't remember its name) from the same era which was filmed on the Kiklees Cut lower down the valley, of which there is a photograph on the forum, is one hell of a place to get to and you wonder what made them film there.

I'm guessing you're talking about "The Flag and Its Snags" where Foggy goes to see a fellow service man staying in a canal boat about a flag, and they cross a bridge over the canal. You are correct, that spot is in the middle of nowhere and aside from the episodes in Brighouse, and the episode "Here We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder" with the disused Crigglestone Viaduct. The bridge over Kirklees Cut is a very odd location. Unless they knew about it and just chose spots that were out of the ordinary, like the viaducts, the falls near Wessenden Reservoir, the big stone at Bradfield.