

Dedicated Member
Just finishing another complete pass thru all of LOTSW,
and am well into the Hobbo years. Hobbo seems better
on this pass than previously. Probably just glad to have
the extra two series, but I am enjoying these more
this time. Watched [FONT=&quot]Will Randolph Make a Good Impression
[/FONT]last night and enjoyed it.
I liked Russ Abbot (did I say that out loud:39:) I thought his character was genuinely funny, certainly more so than Burt or Brain Murphy a lot of the time. I think because he's associated with the show's end he gets a bad press. [FONT=&quot]Will Randolph Make a Good Impression [FONT=&quot]was not a bad episode, [FONT=&quot]I did like that [FONT=&quot]o[/FONT]ne too.[/FONT][/FONT]
Yeah, my only real regret in those last two series is how much
they minimized Clegg's and Truly's roles, even to moving them
down the credit list. Looking forward to starting again in the
new year.

btw -- howcum nobody's discussing LOTSW here anymore??
Has the site got a new purpose?

Yeah, my only real regret in those last two series is how much
they minimized Clegg's and Truly's roles, even to moving them
down the credit list. Looking forward to starting again in the
new year.

btw -- howcum nobody's discussing LOTSW here anymore??
Has the site got a new purpose?


What point are you making Chuck?? General Discussion or the site as a whole??
While it is highly possible for a tennis pro to be a secret agent or a general suave and debonair man to be a secret agent, it is a mighty stretch for a milkman to have been a secret agent.
I thought Russ Abbot was reasonably good in LOTSW. Certainly less bland that Alvin and Entwistle.

It seemed the only way the show could continue was if a new character was introduced.

It seems Alan JW Bell was determined that Russ Abbot was going to be in it whatever happened.
What point are you making Chuck?? General Discussion or the site as a whole??

Everything but the chat room, and maybe one of the "joke" topics.

Most of the "post boxes"? Topics? whatever? have no
SW-oriented activity in yonks.
Everything but the chat room, and maybe one of the "joke" topics.

Most of the "post boxes"? Topics? whatever? have no
SW-oriented activity in yonks.

You're welcome to start us off an SW topic but to be honest I'm not sure if there is anything left we haven't covered.
to be honest I'm not sure if there is anything left we haven't covered.

Which, if true, would be a shame as there is too much invested in
creating this fine web resource to let it languish to no purpose.

Maybe convert it to a Still Open All Hours site?

btw - not sure why I never realized that Hobbo, Alvin, and Entwhistle
made a rather good trio, especially with Hobbo doing Foggy rips so well.
Every time he sez "To Me Team" I can't help but see Foggy standing
to attention.
Maybe I overstate the problem, as all of a sudden, for
the first time in yonks, there's a lot of traffic in the
General Discussion section at least. Yay!
We do have some good serious discussion on the topic of Summer Wine and we have fun ones too but if we didn't deviate now and then then we would have gotten fed up long ago. Plus its how we've gotten to know each other better.

There is room to discuss other programs but turn it into a different forum wouldn't be right. I've found that after we've had a thread about something non Summer Wine related we tend to drift back to the subject but there are only so many times you can ask the question " Who would play Compo now" without it getting boring.

We're having a bit of a quiet time but it usually picks up especially at this time of year when winter is setting in.
I am enjoying these more
this time. Watched [FONT=&quot]Will Randolph Make a Good Impression
[/FONT]last night and enjoyed it.

Afew months ago, PBS was showing the last few years, that I hadn't seen, and seasoned summer wine fans were wanting my opinion. (When we each answered questions for a month). I only seen everything just the once, I did not care for the Hobbo character at all, but toward the end of the show, he didn't seem to be as abrasive. Would love to give it another go, to see if the same happens to me Chuck.:37:
PBS was showing the last few years

Wish my PBS station did that! Have not had a SW here
in quite a while, which is exactly why I managed to collect
ALL the episodes from many different sources.

As a matter of fact, we once had a LOTSW yahoo group
where we sent around DVDs to be copied and returned
(or passed on). Now we could do it with AVI or MP4 files.
I found Hobbo overpowered all the other cast in the first few episodes, and I must admit it put me off, not Russ Abbots fault as he was doing what the scripts dictated, Russ is a funny man and that seemed lost, in fact in a tiny part of just one episode we did see the real Russ Abbot,also his part was to much like previous 3rd members, he could of been a character so totally different to the rest, maybe worked on the railway or a pilot
I found Hobbo overpowered all the other cast in the first few episodes, and I must admit it put me off, not Russ Abbots fault as he was doing what the scripts dictated, Russ is a funny man and that seemed lost, in fact in a tiny part of just one episode we did see the real Russ Abbot,also his part was to much like previous 3rd members, he could of been a character so totally different to the rest, maybe worked on the railway or a pilot

I think you have summed Hobbo up very well Terry. I agree with all that you have said. Perhaps another series might have seen a change. We will never know:mad:
Hello Everyone,

I am back for the first time in a while. My job and family demands are through the roof this year, but I had a rare free moment and so I will try to contribute to a few of these threads. (Greetings Pearl)

So the Hobbo years are growing on Chuck. It is quite common when someone gives these two seasons a second chance that they start liking them more. Still, they remain inferior to the other eras.

Here is my experience with Hobbo.
The first time around- I absolutely despised him!
Second time around - I learned a toloerate him
Third time around - I supposed he had a few good moments
Fourth time around - I actually liked him
Fifth time - I actually like him a lot (but not as much as the other third men

Good Night Sweet Ferret is an outstanding, hilarious episode and there are some other gems.

So Hobbo was good although overpowering due to the writing. I was never a huge Alvin fan, regardless of whhich era. He is always "Just OK" with me. The disappointing character with the Hobbo years is Entwhistle. I thought Entwhistle was absolutely great in his first few seasons. However, in the Hobbo years he is reduced to just making silly facial expressions.

One consistent character that is vital to keeping Summer Wine strong until the very end was Ivy. I view Jane Freeman as an undervalued pillar to the show and its longevity. She is definitely a major asset to the later years when there were less outstanding characters.

As for Chuck's previous concern about a periodical decline in the site's Summer Wine discussions. I think there are times when the Summer Wine specific topics move a little slow and then they pick up at other times. For example, the threads on the full seasons will add to a lot of dicussion. I don't quite have the time to get into those today, but will try to contribute to them by the weekend.

Also at this point, where Summer Wine has ended about four years ago, the topics repeat themselves. However, over periods of time people like myself develop new opinions and then we also have new members that get to add to the discussion. Therefor, I don't think it is ever going to get old.
Hey I just realized, with my previous thread I had 1111 posts on the date, 11/11. I see a lucky number here. Time to play the lottery.