In anticipation of my visit next July I have been watching various driving videos of Britain on "Utoob" etc. Although driving in Britain and Australia is very similar (Both drive on the left for example) there are a few differences with road rules, etiquette and so on which I have been trying to familiarise myself with. (At least I do not have to learn a completely new system AND drive on the opposite side of the road)
The really different thing I notice is the width (or LACK of it) of the road when off the motorways. It is extremely rare over here for two vehicles not to be able to pass each other, even on what WE would classify as a narrow road.
The other difference is the Roundabout system over there. We have roundabouts here but nowhere near the amount I have noticed over there and the small painted ones do not exist here (Well in the West at least, not 100% sure of the other States but I don't think they have them either.) They cause problems over here too as no-one seems to know how to use them properly (Note: our lane discipline here is slightly different to the UK's, eg. we CAN overtake on the left!) However you guys seem to be more exotic with some of yours..."spiral" ones, multiple "mini" ones etc etc. Are you sure your Road Authorities are not trying to cull your population???
Having watched these various videos, from just general driving (including some actual driving lesson videos), to tourist driving to the "Car Crash" variety I have to say we BOTH have an abundance of idiots on the road, however I think some of the British ones are, shall we say more "creative" on the whole.
I have seen some pretty bad driving (and the results thereof) over here in my time and have put some really awful drivers behind bars, but for sheer variety of stupidity you guys take the cake!
While I don't expect too many problems driving over there I have learned one thing...I definitely will NOT be riding a bike there. It is dangerous enough over here, even on a huge white thing with blue lights all over, but the motorcyclists over there seem to be suicidal! and if they are not, the car drivers are Homicidal maniacs when it comes to bikes. I gave up riding over here a few years ago, from what I have seen I definitely will NOT be taking it up again over there! Having Cancer seems a safer option to me so I will just stick with that!