Holmfirth trip today- crackin'


Dedicated Member
Well after Saturdays interrupted trip and a day off work today to visit our local County Show we decided to give it[the show] a miss and return to Holmfirth. Beautiful sunny warm weather, a bit of a mooch about, a brew and a cake outside Sids café- managed to restrain the dogs from chasing the cat on the church bench. Fish and chips up at Compos chippy and a drink at the White Horse on the way home. I bought some post cards as well.
Some pics.........

Your lovely photos

Hello mate,i hope you are well !!!!
It's a strange phenonenon !!!.........and i'm sure it is an affliction that we all suffer from.....
Evrytime i see beautiful photos like yours,featuring the greatest little place on god's green earth i get all cosy,warm,nostalgic,happy feelings from my head to my boots !!!!
It really is such a special area !!!!
A million thanks for posting them !!!
Best wishes,as always !!!,
restrain the dogs from chasing the cat on the church bench

Must be the small border cat we see oft times on the still web cam??
Comes, goes, and disappears at will. Really love that cat.

It was black and white, the lady from Beatties was keeping an eye on it. Seemed quite content to sit on the bench then hop up onto the church window sill.
Holmfirth trip today- crackin

Fabulous photos thank you so much for posting them Ferret . Having not yet made it to Holmfirth I had not seen the tour bus , great photo and nice looking vehicle. Is it the official tour bus or is it something an enterprising person has invested in and set up ?
Fabulous photos thank you so much for posting them Ferret . Having not yet made it to Holmfirth I had not seen the tour bus , great photo and nice looking vehicle. Is it the official tour bus or is it something an enterprising person has invested in and set up ?

As far as I know it's still run by Colin who used to own Sids Café, I think it used to be called Summer Wine Tours but changed its name a couple of years ago.
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Love the first one. Have spent many a happy hour in Victoria park. Doubt I will ever get the chance to go back. All the pictures are lovely.
We visited Homfirth on June 15th 2015 for one night. We drove there from Heathrow and apparently missed the last bus tour, and could not wait for the first tour as we had an equally long journey ahead the next day. We did see the Compo's and Nora's house, but the museum was already closed for the evening and we could not find the opening hours in order to have visited the museum the following morning. We also found the "library" and of course the Marina's supermarket the opposite. The Nora's and Compo's front yard seemed so terribly narrow!

I admit we had not pre-planned well enough, but it just in case we -- or anyoune else -- visits Homfirth later, it would be nice to have one place ion this site where one could find all the neccesary info for planning ahead one's next visit to Holmfirth.

Later in London at Foyles I managed to get their last copy of "Last of the Summer Wine - From the Director's Chair".

All in all we are very pleased that we drove all the way to Holmfirth -- and health -- and finance -- permitting, will return one day.

Sorry you had a flying visit. I haven't traveled in quite a while, but it stands to reason that it would be prudent to plan to have one whole day in one place in order to properly enjoy it.