How has watching Summerwine changed you?


Dedicated Member
I was thinking about this today and realized watching the show these last several years has changed me. Setting aside more philosophical or lifestyle stuff, consider the following:

- I drink way more black tea. Contrary to popular belief in the UK, you can find the same major brands of tea (i.e. Twinings, Tetley) in the US.
- I've switched almost entirely to wool socks. Blamire talks about this at some point - I looked into it and decided he was right, wool is better.
- I wear long underwear/long johns a lot more than in the past. Part of this was moving to a colder climate, but seeing Compo in his "gray tracksuit" all the time seems to have made me more open to wearing them.
- I've tried several varieties of Yorkshire beer. Or at least the version they allow in the US. ;-)
- I enjoy potted meat! Well, not actually. But I have come close on a few occasions to actually buying some!
- I've started wearing suspenders/braces on a regular basis. I'm sure I picked this up from Foggy.

How about the rest of you?
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Love this post Sarkus. Yes, it has changed me. Instead of my 8 to 10 cups of coffee a day, in down to 2. The rest is yorkshire tea. I eat rich tea biscuits, and call them bisque instead of cookies. My husband says Ta love in his text. He wears Compo hat 4 months out of the year and gets complements on it. I often check when my new Britain friends speak of their Hoi days I do some research and learn a bit of the history. I know what Rally racing is, THANKS TO JOHN. I also wear more hats now in the winter, and my husband has bought 2 for me. Sorry to say I am giving Nora a run for the ugly hat contest. I also cook some traditional foods, yet not sure about blood pudding and kidney pie, which my husband request from time to time.
So this is what happened, after you all won the revolution we all had a big meeting and decided to change tack, so we waited a few years to let things settle down, waited for Roy Clarke to be born and we're turning you all back to British one Yank at a time via Summer Wine :D Once we have you all back on board we're heading to Oz to get them back too :D But shhhhhh they don't know yet ;)

Brenda, blood pudding, black pudding to us Brits, is lovely with bacon and eggs, its not actually blood but don't ask what it is its like laws and sausages you really don't want to know :D As for kidney pie you need steak and kidney pie with thick onion gravy and mash mmmmmm try it.

I think Summer Wine is more likely to change people from other countries than us because well!! We're already British but I do find I drew strength from the ladies, my mam was a formidable Northern woman and she brought me up the same and not having her around anymore, if I find my resolve wavering I just watch a coffee morning and I'm back to my old self. :)
Lots of ways my life changed out went the patent leather shoes for the firm's dinner dance[pre retirement] and in with the wellies you cannot beat that Dinner jacket and wellies combo . Drinking my tea/coffee out of a saucer at the Cafe Royal Newcastle is always a head turner . In the same establishment I have witnessed synchronised coffee / tea drinking by ladies who lunch several times.

As children and pre- Billy we used to go to the local fair [world famous Newcastle Hoppings] we mithered our parents to buy us bows and arrows and as Billy did we would randomly fire the arrows up in the air [sometimes without the rubber stopper off the tip] without a clue where they would land [ we didn't manage to hit the local bobby[policeman] between the eyes].

I won't offend by regaling tales of Edie like drivers haven't met a Marina but a few months back I met the closest ever group to Compo/Foggy/Cleggy . Three chaps , one from Canada, one from Spain and one from Newcastle had grown up together and whilst geography separated them it was no barrier to friendship and every few months they took it in turn to host a week's jaunt in their location .

When I met them they were fairly distanced from sobriety and loving every moment. I have to say I considered putting an ad in the local paper for two other barnpots interested in days out and general stupidity , I have resisted thus far.
When I saw first saw the relationship between Ivy and Sid, Nora and Wally, both of which were sort of a "strong women, mild husband" dynamic; it seemed to be a normal state of affairs. Later, it was specifically pointed out that this was not normal. What a relief.
When I saw first saw the relationship between Ivy and Sid, Nora and Wally, both of which were sort of a "strong women, mild husband" dynamic; it seemed to be a normal state of affairs. Later, it was specifically pointed out that this was not normal. What a relief.

Adanor , I grew up surrounded by that dynamic. My mother , my wife's mother and her granny. I went to work for a strong woman (she had men in the workplace just for labouring , she'd have used women if she could!) I kept my self from being totally submissive by playing the fool and having my own way of doing things. So long as they got done I was safe. :46: :me:
Adanor , I grew up surrounded by that dynamic. My mother , my wife's mother and her granny. I went to work for a strong woman (she had men in the workplace just for labouring , she'd have used women if she could!) I kept my self from being totally submissive by playing the fool and having my own way of doing things. So long as they got done I was safe. :46: :me:

Which is why your profile picture suits you soooooo well :D
we're turning you all back to British one Yank at a time via Summer Wine :D Once we have you all back on board we're heading to Oz to get them back too :D w

when you get down to it Pearl , politics aside we are all one. My opinion, you could people from all around the world who are fans, we may not speak the same language, but SW would bring all together. Imagine world peace thru DVD of summer wine;D:wink:
when you get down to it Pearl , politics aside we are all one. My opinion, you could people from all around the world who are fans, we may not speak the same language, but SW would bring all together. Imagine world peace thru DVD of summer wine;D:wink:

I'm afraid there are a few people who would be immune to the show's appeal. I once had a boyfriend who was completely tone-deaf to British comedy, despite heartily enjoying the American equivalent. The operative word in that sentence is 'had'. We didn't last long. Just to compound the problem, he claimed to think less of me because I enjoyed British comedy, as well as American.

Kudos Sarkus, for the interesting thread. I enjoyed reading the comments about some fellow Yanks drinking more tea, etc.

Summer Wine has not changed my lifestyle at all. However, it has made Yorkshire my Number 1 vacation destination! However, with a wife from Kenya and little kids who love the beach, I won't necessarily be going there in the immediate future. However, I will further down the line.

The only other way it really changed my life is that when I have a day off, I try desperately hard to schedule appointments and errands before the 12:00 showing of Summer Wine or after the 1:30 daily showing.

On occasion, we would get a box of Irish tea from a unique grocery store called, Trader Joes. When Ballykissangel would come after Summer Wine I would get in the mood for Irish Tea. I always felt the show and tea satisfied the 25% Irish in me. However, this was only to discover that a lot of Irish tea actually comes from Kenya.
My other half ,bless her ,says that I am getting more like Foggy which is really getting on her wick especialy if I use my walking stick.The other week I bought a new jacket ,green waterproof and as I tried it on a voice said my god its Foggy Im going for a coffee!
I think the only thing I picked up from the show was drinking Carlsberg. I don't even remember seeing Carlsberg when I was stationed at RAF Alconbury in the very early 90s. Definitely must have picked that up from the show, the "Paté and Chips" episode to be more specific.
Kudos Sarkus, for the interesting thread. I enjoyed reading the comments about some fellow Yanks drinking more tea, etc.

Summer Wine has not changed my lifestyle at all. However, it has made Yorkshire my Number 1 vacation destination! However, with a wife from Kenya and little kids who love the beach, I won't necessarily be going there in the immediate future. However, I will further down the line.

The only other way it really changed my life is that when I have a day off, I try desperately hard to schedule appointments and errands before the 12:00 showing of Summer Wine or after the 1:30 daily showing.

On occasion, we would get a box of Irish tea from a unique grocery store called, Trader Joes. When Ballykissangel would come after Summer Wine I would get in the mood for Irish Tea. I always felt the show and tea satisfied the 25% Irish in me. However, this was only to discover that a lot of Irish tea actually comes from Kenya.

So your family would not appreciate celebrating Christmas by vacationing in a decrepit caravan/trailer on the beach?

Wegmen's, another US grocery store, has a wonderful section devoted to teas and a dedicated UK section. On another note, I have been known to require restaurant personnel to bring an extra cup or teapot so that I can pour hot water over the teabag as I dislike brewing tea by floating a teabag in hot water.
Lots has changed me as well. I have learned many things about the UK as well as trying new foods, (which I love!) .
On a deeper level I find much peace in my soul while watching lots. After a busy day sitting down watching SW let's me breathe deeper and enjoy the little things more.
I'm also a mechanic for a career and the Wesley episodes I love. I have a new outlook due to the show, due to keeping it simple and the "american dream" is not as important as it was in my youth.
Friends, time, and Summer Wine!!!
Lots has changed me as well. I have learned many things about the UK as well as trying new foods, (which I love!) .
On a deeper level I find much peace in my soul while watching lots. After a busy day sitting down watching SW let's me breathe deeper and enjoy the little things more.
I'm also a mechanic for a career and the Wesley episodes I love. I have a new outlook due to the show, due to keeping it simple and the "american dream" is not as important as it was in my youth.
Friends, time, and Summer Wine!!!

Wesley old bean, how the devil are you? Good to see you posting :D
Lots has changed me as well. I have learned many things about the UK as well as trying new foods, (which I love!) .
On a deeper level I find much peace in my soul while watching lots. After a busy day sitting down watching SW let's me breathe deeper and enjoy the little things more.
I'm also a mechanic for a career and the Wesley episodes I love. I have a new outlook due to the show, due to keeping it simple and the "american dream" is not as important as it was in my youth.
Friends, time, and Summer Wine!!!
love that.Just about sums it up for me x