How is your Broadband


Staff member
Out of interest I would like to know how your Broadband (ADSL overseas) performs,I am stuck with a BT Market 1 exchange,which means there is no competition,just ADSL max, Living quiet close to the exchange I get a steady 7 meg down most of the time,which for me is a vast improvement from when I lived in Yorkshire, though just before I left there they were going to enable BT Infinity on the Haworth exchanged,I have since found out the area that would of benefited most from this,did not get done,and the area I used to live with have to live with well under 2 meg

Some of you may live in a Virgin cabled area and are thus connected,I keep seeing a lot of reports that their super fast broadband is often not super fast

And how about you folks that live overseas,how do you get on and how much do you pay

It seems to me that if you live in a major city or large town, you are well provided for with often several options of providers,yet move out a little and it could be many years before super fast broadband comes your way,if ever
I am in a Virgin contract and am promised 30 meg but do not think it is any where near it but I am not "techy " enough to know so cannot help you Terry . I was once contracted to SKY but as we live less than 1.5 miles from the exchange did not find it slow at all. ???
I am in a Virgin contract and am promised 30 meg but do not think it is any where near it but I am not "techy " enough to know so cannot help you Terry . I was once contracted to SKY but as we live less than 1.5 miles from the exchange did not find it slow at all. ???

If you go onto it will show you your speeds after a brief check, it is worth doing it at different times of the day
I get my broadband with Virgin here in Sunderland, currently 30mb can't grumble with it. It seems fast most of the time, it has been known to go off sometimes but comes back on quite quickly. As far as download speed etc don't know what rate i get but, whenever i'm downloading it is fast. I did have the 10mb broadband before and must say that was pretty good too. I have a desktop that is connected directly to a router, and a laptop as well as a smart phone that connect via wireless and the speed is fairly consistent. Overall i would give virgin in my experience 8/10.
Hi All

Do not get jealous!
In this city we have a glass fiber direct to our home.
I pay for 50/50 Mbps up and down the same. 100/100 is possible.
All though the upload speed seems to be 60 Mbps. Because my TV has 10 Mbps down-speed above the 50 Mbps for Internet.
I live fast....
Hi All

Do not get jealous!
In this city we have a glass fiber direct to our home.
I pay for 50/50 Mbps up and down the same. 100/100 is possible.
All though the upload speed seems to be 60 Mbps. Because my TV has 10 Mbps down-speed above the 50 Mbps for Internet.
I live fast....

You are going just about the right way to get banned ;D, Hope you had a good holiday
Hokay, here I am in the good 'ol US of A, the world leader in
everything technical (I even worked for IBM!!).

I have a DSL connection that gets me about 1.5Mbps down and
barely .3 Mbps up. For this I pay about $45 US per month.

Don't even know that my options are re: cable or dish.

What should I be looking for???
I havem´t got the faintest idea. I only know I have a DSL connection, or rather my parents have one and I can share it with my WLAN laptop. No idea what their contract says and they certainly have no idea either ;). My father doesn´t know much about computers, I guess even less than I.

You should look for and move into a community/council/county where there is the wish to cooperate with a firm to dig fiberglass to the houses.
Here in Almere it was for free. Meaning as a taxpayer i paid for the service together with private investments.
The firm who owns the fibers is not allowed to own Internet providers.
Therefor we can choose between more than 5 providers...