I will get this new board rolling


Staff member
If you have something you would like to chat about that is not related to the show,then this is the place,my comment is

Has anyone else noticed how common it is these days to come across a set of road works traffic signals that are not working or faulty,like the stop light at one end has failed, but how long would you wait to find out this is the case, or they are just not working at all

On top of this when you do get moving you spot all the crew sitting in their trucks, no matter what time of the day you pass,there they are reading the paper or eating bacon butties

We have that here in the states... "Road Construction" or "Road Work Ahead" signs and EITHER they are standing around drinking their coffee.. OR.. there's no one to be found.
I passed a temporary set of lights (three way) and there was a chap with an orange hi-vis vest workign them. It seemed that was all he was doing.

Not even sure why they needed to be there as the only problem is the side road has more traffic than usual as the next road along is closed as the canal bridge is being repaired.
One of my pet hates is "Contraflows" on the motorways or dual-caraigeways, especially when there doesn't seem to be any plausable reason.

I'm a couple of miles from the A55, the Holyhead to Queensferry dual-caraigeway and i really despair sometimes.
As a keen motorcyclist, i find nothing winds me up more than being stuck behind a line of traffic at 40mph for several miles, without any reason for the cones being there...then they just end and there's been no sign of workmen or machines, just the cones!!

Oh and while i'm here, motorists that don't use their indicators, to let other road users know what their intentions are.
Some just brake, then turn without any thought of the mayhem they might have caused, same applies at roundabouts, pig ignorant and a lack of respect for others.

Rant over :-[.

G ; )
In the past when I regualry rode around on two wheels I ahd quite a few narrow escapes with cars sudenly turning right as i was overtaking - usually they had not seen me (450 lbs of machine plus fuel - and not seen me? it was a 650 cc single cylinder so not exactly tiny)......
one thing that scares me about driving is those women, half asleep, listening toan ipod etc and who wear there PJs to go to the shops on a morning, pushing a buggy with a kid in eating a massive sausage roll. Now thats not that scary, but it is when your driving a van and all of a sudden a buggy apears from out of the blue across a backlane and you've got to slam the brakes on. Also the women look at you as if its my fault, but i've never tried to stop a van with a mothercare fold up buggy before. Just stop on the corner of a blind turn and pear round and you'll see a big white vehicle coming and you never know i might stop and let you cross.
Anyway put those who wear pjs outside inside.
one more thing that annoys me is, why can't you pop a parcetomol out of the strip without it snapping in half? ???
one more thing that annoys me is, why can't you pop a parcetomol out of the strip without it snapping in half? ???

if you buy expensive ones they pop out whole - cheap supermarket ones have inferior packaging.

Actually most packaging is poor - had some aluminium foil and the box gave way when tried to tear off a strip
Paraectamol in a supermarket?! We can´t buy any serious medication in supermarkets over here, you have to go to the pharmacy or chemist or whatever you call that. Wow, that´s dangerous to put medicine in supermarkets :o!
We have tightened up in more recent times, I recall kaolin and morphine for stomach upsets - used to contain morphine - not any more!

We could also buy a cleansing solvent which was carbon tetrachloride: very good at removing spots as well as being dangerous. carcinogenic I believe. Used to casually slop the stuff around in my youth in a laboratory.
well I'm a real grumpy person never realised this until the ball and chain said your just like your dad, but I've got a good right to be a grump this past week. How come every year snow makes our country stop totally? no petrol, no food, no schools open, no gritters, no salt, no trains, no planes, no work getting done etc... but to top it all my gas and electricity is set to rise soon just in time for the freezing weather, this type of profiteering should be illegal. I know some of you guys are older than me, has this been true throughout the past 30-40 years?
Sorry for this rant but I'm just getting fed up with the same rubbish every year.