In Case you missed the New Book Launch

Available for shipping to the States, @£17 to ship a book costing £13.99! I might be willing to pay that much when I've read the entire backlog of hardcopy books already in my possession and there are no more interesting Kindle-format books available for loan from the library.
In fairness they're just a couple of fans rather than a big publisher, it probably costs £17 to send a book that size in the post to the US via airmail.
Andrew Smith here! I'm afraid that in terms of postage we're stuck with the prices that the Royal Mail and USPS set. We wish the case were different!
If I could afford the postage, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! Unfortunately, every penny has to go into the travel fund to pay for my annual visit to Great Britain. Any chance of its being available in London shops in October? If so, I'll buy a copy while I'm there (COVID-19 permitting, of course).
If I could afford the postage, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! Any chance of its being available in London shops in October? If so, I'll buy a copy while I'm there (COVID-19 permitting, of course).

We have a few plans on that front, but as you suggest it's rather tricky to plan anything at the moment with restrictions in place. As soon as it becomes possible, people will be able to find the book in Holmfirth for sure.
Thanks Ferret. I look forward to hearing your thoughts once you've had a chance to do a little bit of reading :)
Well I have read a bit tonight and I’m loving it.
If you’ve ever seen the two lads discussing the series you’ll be familiar with the way they describe things and often go off on a tangent every now and then.
There’s some interesting facts about the actors and previous work that they had done before LOTSW. They also seem to pick up on the same quirks I do when I watch these early episodes which are my favourite.
Available for shipping to the States, @£17 to ship a book costing £13.99! I might be willing to pay that much when I've read the entire backlog of hardcopy books already in my possession and there are no more interesting Kindle-format books available for loan from the library.
Sadly if the bok had been 1mm thinner it could of been shipped air mail for £8.50p