In Case you missed the New Book Launch

Barrychuckle....just jibbing off at a tangent for a minute,did you see the episode of Antiques road trip on tv last week with John Shuttleworth?
Barrychuckle....just jibbing off at a tangent for a minute,did you see the episode of Antiques road trip on tv last week with John Shuttleworth?
I saw it when it was originally broadcast a few years ago, he was also on the road trip programme Ralf Little & Ricky Tomlinson did last year. I've always maintained he would have been a great character in LOTSW!!!!
I was a bit cheeky and asked for a discount but the answer was no. I did get a very nice email from Bob Fischer explaining how much time and money they spent on writing and publishing the book. On reflection, I think the price is probably reasonable, but I'm still not paying it. I'll wait a bit and see if the price comes down, They'll probably start appearing second hand on Amazon in a few months time.
I was a bit cheeky and asked for a discount but the answer was no. I did get a very nice email from Bob Fischer explaining how much time and money they spent on writing and publishing the book. On reflection, I think the price is probably reasonable, but I'm still not paying it. I'll wait a bit and see if the price comes down, They'll probably start appearing second hand on Amazon in a few months time.
Fully understand where they are coming from, understandably there is going to be limited appetite for this book so with economies of scale this will be a lot more expensive than a best seller. I'm hoping to read mine soon and I'll send you my copy when I've finished it if you want.