In case you were wondering..........

Terry, take note, my friends will be here for a couple of weeks...... YOU know what I'm talking about! :02::devil2:
Now to try and figure out which one of the three is our beloved admin, LOL.

I was big into Sisters of Mercy, Peter Murphy, Bauhaus, Daniel Ashe, etc. way, way back in the day. At least what I considered goth music back then. Don't think I was as stylish as you all are. :-)
hope you all realise it's photoshopped! :)

AH! Yes, can see it now, at the hairline. Very clever.
Should put Howard and Marina in there, hiding, disguised! They've done (or tried) hippies, this would be a great next step.

Marina: (angrily) Howard, you have led me through some strange plans, but THIS one will be hard to beat!
Howard: (smiley and whiny) It's perfect, love! This is all the rage now with young people today. They won't be looking for anyone our age dressed like this.
Marina: You're right, Howard, even I don't believe I'm my own age dressed like this. ....not that I'm all that old, being in my late 30's....
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Given you connections Tony there is a family looking to relocate to the UK from the US ,preferably somewhere near our beloved Summer Wine Country must be a large house much as the one Terry depicted in his post , any help would be very much appreciated !!

I noticed the hairline and thought your 'spikes' were on a little crooked, but did not want to say anything :08:. In case you got excitable like Vivian from The Young Ones.

Captain, glad I got you to re-listen to some old classics. I may do the same as well soon.
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