It's a vintage car you nit!

Cough sweet or frilly Garter?

  • Car and Garter

  • The Loxley Lozenge

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Inky Batty

Dedicated Member
Right, another straightforward teaser for you this weekend, but a tough one, because both are cracking episodes.
The link? Well, it's Wesley obviously. The episode that brought him into the programme and the episode that cemented his long term role in it.
I had to sit and chew over this one as I love both, possibly the same for you.
So have a think, cast a vote and perhaps share your reasons for why you preferred one over the other.
Actually, am I right in thinking that the Loxley Lozenge was actually an Austin Sheerline in real life? I have seen this stated on a few car enthusiast websites but I have never been sure.
Yes Stephen I've heard that aswell. It's certainly a large enough vehicle but I haven't seen one with the body off the chassis. I reckon it's the best good guess.
Yes Stephen I've heard that aswell. It's certainly a large enough vehicle but I haven't seen one with the body off the chassis. I reckon it's the best good guess.

Thanks Graham -- I did wonder. I have seen pictures of the Austin and it does seem a fitting car for Wesley's fantasies. :)
A tough one, again, C&G has the distinction of being the only episode to feature Sid and Wesley - albeit in separate scenes - but LL has a better performance by Gordon Wharmby, he hadn't quite nailed the part in the earlier episode.

LL is simply funnier too, IMO.
It's got to be the Loxley Lozenge for me. Gordon Wharmby had started to settle into the part by then and was showing the Wesley we would get to know and love. By the way, I wonder what Edie would have made of the Loxley, had she been part of the series at the time?
Car and Garter for me Inky....
Sid plays a blinder in this episode....dressed ready for action !!!....being fed his lines by Foggy [from behind a wall !!!!]......
His face [and teeth !!!!] when he SHOUTS to Ivy...." I'M GOING RACING !!!!....A MAN HAS TO DO WHAT A MAN HAS TO DO !!!!"....then..looking for her approval realises he is in BIG trouble.....his face is a picture....and Nora gets a biiiiig snog from Compo tells an observer "OOOHHHH HE'S MY NEIGHBOUR...HE'S ALWAYS DOING THAT".....and gives him the feather from her hat as a good luck charm.......2 very funny scenes.
"I can't see Sid in a pair of frilly garters" is amongst the best lines ever uttered in Summer Wine land.
I was expecting this vote to be slightly closer, as it stands, it's an absolute landslide win for 'rare cough sweet'.
For me personally, I think Car and Garter is the better episode by a small distance, but the Lozenge winning comes as no surprise.
Both were excellent episodes from the halcyon days of the show.
An excellent turn out on the poll once again, thank you to all who got involved.