Jolly Holidays.


Staff member
Well I'll be loving you and leaving you for 2 weeks, I shall be heading out to sunnier clims in the beautiful Scottish Highlands. Hope you all have a great 2 weeks and a quiet one seeing has I shall out be here to annoy you. ;D

PS I have packed most of my Summer Wine box sets and filled the Kindel up so I will have plenty to do. :D
Has I sit here in the Collden Moor visitors centre looking out upon what has to be one of the most beautiful piece of scenery in the world all I can thing about is that the scart lead from the telly to the DVD player in the accommodation is missing so I wont be able to watch Summer Wine later :o

Other than that having a great time, weather lovely, wish you were here ;D
Yes, have a marvelous vacation!! Perhaps you'd like to share a pic or two
when you get back, eh? Sheree
Had a fantastic holiday, just trying to work out how to bore you all with pictures and I have a lovely one for Dick of some snow ;D
Snow :o?? But yes, I think they got some here in Germany in places too (right now 8 degrees and pouring down, will this never end?). But somehow you seem to have managed to get great holidays anyway, good for you :)!
We only saw it because we were half way up a mountain other than that the weather was really good a few showers but mostly it was lovely. ;)