March 2014 Ask Terry


Staff member
It will be my turn in March starting this Saturday,Hasn't Susan done a great Job this month and Darren the month before. On some days I may take a while to reply to your questions as things a busy here which seems to be the norm for the last few months

Many of you said via the poll we had a while back you were happy to join in Members question time,but I only had a few folk send me a PM saying who you were,we should have enough judging by the poll to keep this running for a year or so,so please get in touch and let me know who you were


Re: March Question time

Good for Terry, looking forward to asking you some daft....... I mean well thought out meaningful questions.
I don't know about Darren but I found a couple a stiff drinks helped :respect:
Re: March Question time

nah I didn't need a drink susan, im basically tea-total (apart from the occasional pint every few weeks)
Re: March Question time

nah I didn't need a drink susan, im basically tea-total (apart from the occasional pint every few weeks)

Maybe its just Dick that drives me to drink then ? ;D

Sorry Terry I'll shut up now. :-[
Re: March Question time

Good morning Terry,
My first question is
What made you want to start a forum on Summer Wine?
Has it been the success you'd hoped for?
Re: March Question time

Good morning Terry,
My first question is
What made you want to start a forum on Summer Wine?
Has it been the success you'd hoped for?

I started the forum more like a hobby,I was recovering (If that is the correct way of looking at it) from illness,in fact it was more coming to terms with the illness,I had a lot more time on my hands,the forum was an extension to the website which I had been running seven years earlier. In the first two years there was not much interest but then the other websites/forum closed just after the series ended or had stopped being updated and all of a sudden the membership grew and as far as I can tell it is now the only fan site I would say yes it has been successful and if it disappeared I'm feel folk would miss it as I would miss the folk who post here
Thank you Terry,
My next question ( Last one today promise ;))
Other than the main characters, excluding Nora,Ivy and co who would you say has been your favourite character, guest stars if you like?
Thank you Terry,
My next question ( Last one today promise ;))
Other than the main characters, excluding Nora,Ivy and co who would you say has been your favourite character, guest stars if you like?

I suppose from the many I always enjoyed the actor Bert Parnaby who Played Jack Harry, I would of liked to see him in a few more episodes
how did you get into the show Terry?

My Dad watched it from the start on BBC 2,I did not understand why he found it so funny at the time,then some years later I spotted the video of series 1 (Anyone know when this was first released) and because of my dad decided I would give it another go,that was it I was hooked
I see a pattern forming here, everyone seems to have got hooked through their dad. :)