Dedicated Member
Yes, I think I was looking for a location now I come to think of it. We had been to Holmfirth for the day and I was looking for the stone shelter in the park behind the tourist information. We were stood in the park looking at where it should be/was but I kept thinking the park looked bigger on the television so surely it can’t be here. When I got home I googled it and found the site. Next visit I went back to the park and stared at where it was....like you do. I did the same looking for Wesleys shed... stared at summat that wasn’t thereI was off to visit Holmfirth for the first time so Googled Summer Wine to see if there was a map I could use up there. I can across a link so I applied to join, by the time we got home I'd been accepted. Terry will know the date, he's mourned the day ever since.