

Super Moderator
While flicking through the channels a few minutes ago I saw a selling channel had a segment called
'DIY Dull Brits' on looking more carefully I realised it said DIY Drill Bits.

Any more mis-read funnies ?(Clean please) :)
This reminds me of a recent Terry quiz, where he had typed cat flap, and I kept reading flat cap.
While flicking through the channels a few minutes ago I saw a selling channel had a segment called
'DIY Dull Brits' on looking more carefully I realised it said DIY Drill Bits.

Any more mis-read funnies ?(Clean please) :)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I do it all the time, unfortunately in German of course. The only English one I can remember is a boring one from school, for "nowhere" I read "now-here". Another one in my class twisted "free time" to "fry team".
I commit English ones when speaking though, all the time. We could open a topic for that!
I recall some years back I took a French friend to see the Dolls house collection at Windsor Castle, the room was busy but very hushed and people just spoke in whispers, then in a loud voice in English with a French accent she asked me "is this a Pubic building"

The room fell in silence, a few a few seconds I replied "I think the word you are looking for is Public"

There was signs of muted laughter within the room and things returned to normal
Okay, if spoken ones are allowed, I´ll tell you the ones I unintentionally amused Peter with:
"Okay, I´ll shut down and sit up!"
"Have you got a frog in the toad?"
"This toad is too tight." (I know, I seem to like toads and I actually do, but I meant coat!)
"My phone has a bat flattery."
"Chin bright and eyes up!"
"Your hands are very cold!" -"Yes, but I have been wearing handkerchiefs.... umm, I mean gloves :D!"
(it´s because our word for gloves is - when you translate it literally - hand shoes (Handschuhe), so I mixed it up with handkerchiefs)
I'd love to have an on-going conversation with you, ****!!! LOL :D
I talk like this all the time!
I'd love to have an on-going conversation with you, ****!!! LOL :D
I talk like this all the time!

Then I would love to have one with you too :D, I love mistakes like that, even my own ones give me the giggles.

Believe it or not, I just committed a mis-reading :o. I mis-read a title: "The Impotence of being Earnest".
Importance actually...!
So here in the states, We have Baskin Robbins (Icecream shop) and Dunkin' Doughnuts. Sometimes they put the two shops in one building.
So, I pull up with to the drive thru to get some icecream with the family.
The girl said "Welcome to Baskin Robins/Dunkin Doughnuts", however I heard, "Baskin Robins/Dunkin Doughnuts?"
I thought she was asking which one I wanted,I was thinking that maybe I had to tell her which one. Possibly she had to give me off to another person if I picked icecream or doughnuts.
So, I kept saying I want Baskin Robins and she kept saying "Welcome to Baskin Robins/Dunkin Doughnuts"
It has turned into the biggest joke now with my wife and I.
I WANT BASKIN ROBINS!!!!, that's when I knew I was getting older.
In the car today I asked my son for my bater wattle. I didn't even know I'd
made a mistake until he handed me my water bottle while laughing! ;D