More Yorkshire Snow


Staff member
We had another fall overnight and it is still snowing at the moment,won't be going anywhere today,just to open the window and take this picture

Thanks George, it stopped snowing late this afternoon,here is a view over the Valley Near Stanbury,the building in the top right hand corner looks like something Foggy would rent for the holidays

The few trees we have around here look quite dramatic with snow on them, -3 outside already and it's only 5pm

Wonderful pictures. It was these, at least the first couple that inspired me to make the New Year's picture a snow scene of the church/cafe area. Good stuff!
Wonderful photos, Terry! We also have snow again and they say it´s going to stay that cold (about -5 degrees) for the next 2 weeks and more snow will come at the weekend. I just love it, that´s how winters used to be when I was a child :) .