

LOTSW Fanatic
I wear spectacles, I am careful how I handle them . I only use the side pieces to take them on and off. SO WHICH SWINE KEEPS PUTTING FINGERPRINTS ON THE LENSES?? :unhappy: >:( :13:
I sympathise Dick. What worries me, my specs are clean when I take them off at night and dirty again by morning. I think some chuff comes in during the night and smudges them???:35:
Its probably the same swine that smudges mine Dick.

John, sorry :me: I'll stop doing it :12:
I'm nearsighted, so the only time I need mine is when I'm trying to look at something about 25 feet or more away. I wear them around my neck on a string type thing. Mine seem to gather bits of food that was intended for my mouth. ;D