New Book

Anyone heard of Chapbooks [no not those top shelf publications in Newsagents :eek: Oh Matron] well I had not but I will know tomorrow. It's heritage week this week and a company in Newcastle have offered a free 2 hour crash course in producing a Chapbook . The basics are you seemingly select a subject [ours tomorrow is specifically the Theatres in Newcastle] and you visit all components taking notes making quick sketches and at the end return to their studio to produce said Chapbook which I guess is going to be pamphlet like. There is a history of them here

It got me thinking this would be a great medium for all things LOTSW where those visiting the areas where they filmed could make quick sketch , photo or write some narrative and we could look into funding the production of it for all the site members who may not be able to travel to the region. Let you know more about it after tomorrow.
The "Classic British Telly" YouTube channel recently posted a video on this "Cast Interviews 1973-1983" book. Plus a link for the book is in the description. @ 19 USD seems a nice price for an 86 page LotSW book.

The video in original post is showing as not available so hope you do not mind me posting this one.