New Series 14 Poll

A little more difficult to choose from and a better series than 13, I eventually went for 'Ordeal by Trousers' and 'Camera Shy' although an honourable mention would go to ' The Self Propelled Salad Strainer'
Sorry Terry, I like the challenge of only selecting one.

If I had to pick a second one it would have been Ordeal by Trousers due to the ladies' forceful recruiting of the musical.

However, I ultimately went with Camera Shy. I wrote about it in a recent post. I love the fact that Foggy is the only person who leaves Auntie's shop feeling he made out well! I love the obscure footage from his film that was showing on Howard and Pearls TV.

As I mentioned before, I like the ladies just as much as the guys. Sometimes, the ladies are even funnier. Therefor, my most important point is that I love it when we have the rare occasions when all the guys and ladies are joined together in unison, as they were for Foggy's film.
this is hard..we're into the section of the series that i found least enjoyable, it's not till Truly arrives that the quality improves...still, I went for "Camera Shy" and "Salad Strainer", both have some good moments in the,
self propelled salad strainer and ordeal by trousers, possibly 2 of the best episodes from foggy's second run imo