I've looked at this photo here and on Facebook several times, but the title just registered. "A Shop". To the photographer, it was just an anonymous shop. To us, it's a significant landmark!Found on FacebookView attachment 3193
I watched that same documentary yesterday on i-player Captain. I agree with everything you say.I imagine all over the UK including Marsden/Holmfirth/Jackson Bridge there are similar scenes to that depicted in the Photo but in a similar vein I have just watched a vintage documentary on the BBC IPlayer about the streets and sounds of Liverpool in 1959 . It is an absolutely brilliant insight into what times were like and if you think its tough times now I urge you to watch this and see how really tough it was then . It shows the innocence of the time when kids made their own entertainment and there is not a phone/games console in sight. If you have half an hour to spare please watch it I personally think its a must to see and poignantly shows how things used to be .
Morning in the Streets
Denis Mitchell's 1959 documentary is full of evocative images of a Liverpool still recovering from the post-war gloom.www.bbc.co.uk
The first season that the shop frontage was used as background it was an actual junk shop. When the crew returned the next year they found that it had been converted to a private residence with a few changes to the appearance of the window and doors, so they had to build a copy of the old shop that could be bolted over the front, then removed for storage and the resulting marks patched and painted.Does anyone know what business or businesses occupied the shop before our favourite money grabbing Auntie?