Pearl and religion in "Come Back, Jack Harry Teesdale"


Dedicated Member
There is a side story in this episode that involves the ladies taking Pearl to church, supposedly for the first time. They are trying to convince her that it will help keep Howard faithful. The problem is that prior to this episode there had been several others where it seemed clear that Pearl was involved in church activities. So this "first time at church" thing has always seemed really odd to me.

Anyone else notice this?
It sounds like another " Artistic Licence " episode. There is, from time to time, moments or scenes where it doesn't really tally with other information we've gained in the past.

I think its just one of the idiosyncrasies that we usually ignore in order to enjoy a programme that we love so much.

Sometimes it can be fun trying to spot them, I find they don't distract from the over all enjoyment.
I had not really noticed that Pearl was in church activities. I thought just the jumble sales that were with Ivy and Nora, doing the collecting. Of course remember all the tea ladies together going thru pants at one time. Do not remember where it sits in the timeline of things.
Reminds me of Howard worrying in "A Short Introduction To Cooper's Rules" that the vicar might be, as suggested by Alvin, praying that Howard lose all interest in misbehaviour.