Pearl in Scotland.

First up Pearl, congratulations on being able to blur everything in all the photos!:08::12:

It makes it exceedingly hard to id places, however I have managed to ID your second photo......Quay Street, Ullapool, Wester Ross, right in the heart of the village, beside Lochbroom Hardware and The Ullapool Bookshop and very close to the Harbour and Ferry Terminal. :03::03:
First up Pearl, congratulations on being able to blur everything in all the photos!:08::12:

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Oh no !!! As Nora said to Tom when he learnt of his father's death " He's very brave " . That's definitely the courageous [and perhaps naive ] Scottish side of your character coming out . Whilst Pearl can verbally seek retribution on these pages, without travelling to Oz to extract revenge Pearl will make do with someone over here so undoubtedly poor Dick is in for it again . :(
I am not worried Captain. I am evil, wicked, mean and nasty....and those are my GOOD points :41:
Anyway..the photos ARE blurry!:15::15:
I am only guessing here, but would your latest location be Arduaine Garden???? Perhaps the lookout area???:p:p:p

Arduaine Garden is 20 miles south of Oban and 19 miles north of Lochgilphead on the A816.

Ordnance Survey Ref: NM794103

I need some fettling done on my right knee, if you could fit that into your (what will be!) BUSY schedule on your return!:rolleyes:
I am only guessing here, but would your latest location be Arduaine Garden???? Perhaps the lookout area???:p:p:p

Arduaine Garden is 20 miles south of Oban and 19 miles north of Lochgilphead on the A816.

Ordnance Survey Ref: NM794103

I need some fettling done on my right knee, if you could fit that into your (what will be!) BUSY schedule on your return!:rolleyes:
That's twice your names going into the hat. I thought I better start dumming it down a bit.