Pearls New Earrings.


Staff member
I've been very busy lately but managed to watch Passing the Earring yesterday, Pearl walking out the jewellers, proud as punch with new earrings is a great scene and you have to wonder if maybe he'd put more effort into his wife then Howard's life could have been a bed a roses. I don't think most woman are that materialistic but just a gesture now and then would have made their lives so much more enjoyable, Barry bought Glenda flowers and chocolates now and then and he seemed happy.
There are flowers and flowers I don't believe garage forecourt flowers go down well but happy to be corrected . I think they are equivalent to Wesley buying Edie a socket and spanner set for Christmas . One final point if Gentlemen were to purchase said gift from Auntie's then I would imagine even Birdy the Bookie would not take bets on it being totally inappropriate and being treat with disdain.
I'd take petrol station flowers any day of the week :42:, it's the thought not location of where the thought occurred that counts BUT having said that if the man in question is so tight and unimaginative that the only shop he can think of to buy said gift is Auntie's then he deserves all he gets in there :46:. It's like when you're all looking for clean socks! If they're not on top of your nose when you're looking they're not there :rolleyes:, if you can't get a gift from Aunties then you can't get one at all :rolleyes:. Try looking under the underpants for the socks and try Harrods for a gift. :08::08: :30:
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It's like when you're all looking for clean socks!

I have lost count of the times I have gone out with odd day socks on , someone bought me two lots socks with the days of the week printed on , sometimes I cannot be bothered to match them up which, if you get it wrong, you can guarantee that you will have odd socks on two days , even despite one of the two sets being different colours for each day . Even when matched I tend to just grab the first pair and so where them on the wrong day . :eek2: :eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2:Rock 'N' Roll!!
Howard bought Pearl an electric wallpaper stripper one Christmas, what more can a woman want
What happened to it then the day he was confined to barracks with a stripping "knife"?? When Billy tipped Entwhistles truck up trying to get Howard out?
What happened to it then the day he was confined to barracks with a stripping "knife"?? When Billy tipped Entwhistles truck up trying to get Howard out?

Life is so unfair for Howard, he'd have to spend all day stripping the old paper off yet one cough from Pearl or Nora and that would burn the lot off in one go , but no they just let the day Drag On for poor Howard! :08:
Life is so unfair for Howard, he'd have to spend all day stripping the old paper off yet one cough from Pearl or Nora and that would burn the lot off in one go , but no they just let the day Drag On for poor Howard! :08:

When we moved into our previous house someone had put woodchip on the walls with what could only have been superglue, it was removed one chip at a time, maybe I should have got Nora round to cough it off.
I'd take petrol station flowers any day of the week :42:, it's the thought not location of where the thought occurred that counts BUT having said that if the man in question is so tight and unimaginative that the only shop he can think of to buy said gift is Auntie's then he deserves all he gets in there :46:. It's like when you're all looking for clean socks! If they're not on top of your nose when you're looking they're not there :rolleyes:, if you can't get a gift from Aunties then you can't get one at all :rolleyes:. Try looking under the underpants for the socks and try Harrods for a gift. :08::08: :30:
My dear sweet husband used to bring me roses (I'm not kidding) made out of wood. A gift from the heart!!
My dear wife loves orchids which are fine untill they begin to bloom as the aroma they give I can't stand so as a compromise we cut off the smelly bits and keep the flowers I try to buy at least once a month for all she has to put up with me over the last 18 months of my illness she has been my guardian Angel :cool::28:
Nero Wolfe had an entire room (or maybe even a floor) devoted to orchids. Do you have an extra room that you can put the orchids in?
To Adanor,the boss only likes to have flowers in a vase on the kitchen table so as all things domestic are her realm I do not disagree (well I do but she takes no notice anyway) ha ha :cool:
I have to admit to buying a one time girlfriend an iron for Christmas. Just in case you wonder why I'm still single :01::03::01:

Ungrateful witch...:20:
Mind you I bought " practical presents " for my wife at Christmas .We did not have much money at the time and it became a " two birds with one stone " thing. She hated ironing and therefore she was rather heavy handed? with them. Was only later on that I bought jewellery ,perfume etc instead !:28: