Pension Rise


LOTSW Fanatic
My pension will go up in April by the princely sum of £4.00 .This morning I receive a letter from the council concerning my Housing Benefit and Council Tax rebates that will effectively take £2 71p of it. (Adjusted in view of the pension increase ::)) Is anything else due to increase I wonder??
Golly Dick, I got a rise of £2.00. What shall we spend it on? One cup of coffee perhaps. I could have bought 8 hot cross buns in Sainsburys.
it is dick....but not giving with one and taking with the other...that was the good old its giving a little with one hand and taking a lot more with the other !!!!!
We just got our gas bill. I worked it out that if I paid it off with my extra two pounds a week, it would only take three years to pay off.
My pension will go up in April by the princely sum of £4.00 .This morning I receive a letter from the council concerning my Housing Benefit and Council Tax rebates that will effectively take £2 71p of it. (Adjusted in view of the pension increase ::)) Is anything else due to increase I wonder??

Your Blood Pressure......LOL
The Fools are the people who think that the Government gives. Not only the Government doesn give increases they don't even give a sh--..
My dads 78, he worked it all out this week with his "raise " in pension ( I use the word loossly) and the increase in gas, electric,council tax, water rates and food bills he will be poorer by around £30 a week!!

Oh what wonderful times we live in he worked all his life never once unemployed my mam worked 2 part time jobs until we were all at school then got a full time job and yet he still worries about the bills coming in!! I know !! I know !! We're not allowed talk about politics!!
There is politics and politics, Susan. What you are saying is fair comment as far as I can see. It spreads itself of all parties.
The Fools are the people who think that the Government gives. Not only the Government doesn give increases they don't even give a sh--..

Let's be pedantic. The government does not give but then the government does not have anything to give. Anything raised by taxation or by whatever other means goes to the state. The government role is to determine how that state revenue is raised and then how spent and redistributed. If we do not like how the government raises and redistributes the state revenue we change the government. That is called democracy. One alternative to government is anarchy. Another might be dictatorship.
agreed, there is a price to pay for democracy...however, that said, i believe in a democracy a government has two jobs, raise taxes and redistribute as seen fit and defend the country.....nothing else.
The Fools are the people who think that the Government gives. Not only the Government doesn give increases they don't even give a sh--..

Let's be pedantic. The government does not give but then the government does not have anything to give. Anything raised by taxation or by whatever other means goes to the state. The government role is to determine how that state revenue is raised and then how spent and redistributed. If we do not like how the government raises and redistributes the state revenue we change the government. That is called democracy. One alternative to government is anarchy. Another might be dictatorship.

I understand what your saying Big Unc but if you have worked all your life the least you would hope for are your last few years to be comfortable.
To add to my first post, last year my late wife and I lost out to the tune of £5.70.on our joint pension rise . We had the basic pension increase ,hers and mine , then they adjusted down our Pension Savings(what savings)Credit and then adjusted our Council tax and Housing Benefit rebate (to take account of the rise)By the time they had done we were losers. I wrote to my MP (Labour)but the reply I got was a standard form letter saying it was felt that everyone would benefit from the rise. ::) This year I do not qualify for any form of Pension Credit and as I said I have a little over a £1 in hand..Till the gas and electricity go up again >:(
To add to my first post, last year my late wife and I lost out to the tune of £5.70.on our joint pension rise . We had the basic pension increase ,hers and mine , then they adjusted down our Pension Savings(what savings)Credit and then adjusted our Council tax and Housing Benefit rebate (to take account of the rise)By the time they had done we were losers. I wrote to my MP (Labour)but the reply I got was a standard form letter saying it was felt that everyone would benefit from the rise. ::) This year I do not qualify for any form of Pension Credit and as I said I have a little over a £1 in hand..Till the gas and electricity go up again >:(

I hear you Dick, they just fob us off with any old crappy letter they have to hand!! I used to email Gordon Brown ( I know! I'm surprised I was never arrested, I think they have a file on me somewhere :) ) I used to tell him what I thought of his new polices and such like and "he" would reply to them all, all the same thing .... Thank you for your email blardy blar...... But Cameron has ignored all my emails .... Not 1 reply!!! Say what you like about Gordon Brown but at least he answered the ravings of mad old woman! Stay warm Dick and don't let the buggers grind you down. ;)
Thanks for the kind thoughts Susan :D I should be old enough by now to realise that there will be someone somewhere wanting their piece of my cake as it were ::)