Picture Quiz 47


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I think this one could be very hard to spot,so for the first person to spot this in 24 hours I will send one of my location pictures

The small pads that fit on ELI'S specs either side of his nose??
CORRECTION. Foggy's reflection in ELI'S glasses?? ???

Sorry about the delay but I am tied to my bed with a touch of flu,so I am using the laptop and will be brief,you are very close with the answer and if I had access to the answer picture I would probably say it is so close,you have got it,but as it is I will let you all keep trying for a little longer,good luck
The light from the camera in his glasses. The white spots.This is seen in foggys glasses alot.
The light from the camera in his glasses. The white spots.This is seen in foggys glasses alot.

Off course it is those dreaded filming lights,which must be the film makers dread along with things that reflect, it was always a massive undertaking when filming outside Auntie's shop window, to cover everything including the camera operator with a black cloth so they were not seen in the window,also dark coloured cars were often sprayed with some liquid to help stop reflections, the trick is to look away from the action to anything that might give off a relection and sometimes you will spot something you have never noticed before, Nora's door was always well lit from those lights and easy to see, another issue when filming was shadows of people that should not be seen, I feel sure they have much better control of these problems inside the studio
Although interestingly enough you can not really make out the nose pads behind the lens - I compared it with a very similar photograph I have in a book and they are seen there, but that was from an actual photograph not a still from the programme, so only to be expected.
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