Powers of Observation Quiz

I will declare George and Barmpot the correct answer as they were both pretty close and in the picture to me it looks like a small brass door knocker
I know it's been a while since anything was posted here but I have got a question for the forum. What episode had the same car in three scenes in a row despite them being in two places at once?.
I cannot remember the episode name but there was one episode, early in the Barry/Glenda period where they drive up to Wesley's house
in an old banger car (Austin 1800?????) the next scene has Wesley working on the same car (on ramps) and then B&G drive off in the same car.

NOTE: Wesley was NOT working on B&G's car in the storyline. You could tell it was the same car even if you didn't recognize it because it had the SAME number plate!
Brian, you are right. The episode was A Double for Howard. It was a silver hatchback. The number plate was D452 SFE. It had a 'T' for the badge on the front. Maybe an early Toyota. I have never seen that badge before.
It was actually a little later in the series than I thought. I have just watched the scenes in question and cannot make out the car make. I don't think it was a Toyota, but might be. The only scene where you can see any actual name is where B&G pull up in it, there is a name on be bonnet (hood) but I cannot make it out and the "T" symbol is not familiar to me here in Oz.
I have heard (vaguely) of the make but to my knowledge never come across one.
YES it is definitely a Talbot in the show, very similar to the one shown here!
Mind Blank in terms of episode title I think its where Marina is hitching a lift to Blackpool and Barrie picks her up only to crash after swerving to avoid Billy with a branch in his hand ................but now I think I might be wrong
The episode is According to the Prophet Bickerdyke. It is one of the last scenes where Wesley and Barry are test driving Barry's car. There is an in car shot then there is a shot with the car coming towards the camera. It is this shot where you can see Barry in the passenger seat wearing a baseball cap.