uBlock Origin also does a pretty fine job for Firefox (the best browser

) and chrome.
I'll agree with that. uBlock is a godsend.
and then when they first went to color, all the faces were green.
Reminds me of a funny similar story. Long ago I had upgraded my DVD player to one that connected to my TV via higher quality RGB (red, green, blue) cables with separate audio instead of the RCA (red, white, yellow) cable connections. I felt like I was stepping up to the next tier of high-fidelity A/V quality. This was before HDMI became available.
Unknowingly, I did not have one of the (six) connections securely in place and proceeded to pop in the newly arrived
Soylent Green DVD from Netflix. A 1973 ecological dystopian thriller film. Had recently watched
Logan's Run and
Tron the week before and was on a '70's & '80's film kick.
To my surprise everyone's faces and skin were
deep green just like Smurf's are blue! I thought to myself it must be '1970's director's artistic license' since the movie did have
Green in the title. Didn't know anything about it other than was said to be a classic of the era.
Watched the whole movie like that, popped in the second DVD that had arrived. Lo and behold everyone there was green as well!! I thought 'What the Heck?!?" So, re-checked my connections to discover one was loose and now skin colors were back to normal.
Switched back to the moments earlier previously viewed
Soylent Green DVD to find that they also had normal skin tones now. Hung my head in disgust at having just watched an entire 1-1/2 hour movie with whacked out colors! I can laugh now, did not seem so funny at the time. Haha!!!