I'm sure I've got it right. I thought this would be quite, well fairly, easy. It concerns me that you're stumped George.
I've been trying to think of a clue that wouldn't give it away.
OK....ULTIMATELY it was a reciprocating relationship he had with someone.
Any offers on Birdy? I truly hope I haven't messed this up. I havent seen this episode in ages to check!
Hang on a minute.I think Birdy was the turf accountant that left Compo a telly in his will and his widow gave it to Tom who in turn gave it to Eli.I think the episode was a white sweater and a solicitors letter but i'm not sure
Hang on a minute.I think Birdy was the turf accountant that left Compo a telly in his will and his widow gave it to Tom who in turn gave it to Eli.I think the episode was a white sweater and a solicitors letter but i'm not sure

And we have a winner! Well done Amos.
Birdy was Compo's Bookmaker who did leave him a TV in his will. And you were right on the episode aswell.
What was the name of the health farm in the waist land.A nice easy one for this evening.I hope i am right on this the name was on a gate outside
Good question George, did it begin with F? Mrs. Flanagan or something like that?