Reunion Special


Dedicated Member
There's been a lot of talk about bringing Last of the Summer Wine back. Though there may be little chance of that happening, many shows have successfully done reunion specials. One that comes to mind is "As Time Goes By." They had a very natural story line available with Sandy and Harry coming back from Canada.

If Last of the Summer Wine did a reunion special, what could the story line be. It's probably a little too late for Barry and Glenda to have a baby. Maybe a marriage - Alvin and Stella? Or Hobbo could be called back to Primrose Dairies for a secret spy mission. The whole thing could be a launch pad for a new series for Cooper and Walsh.

Can you think of a good story line for a reunion special?
Something which would have been relevent throughout the whole series.

Something to do with the cafe perhaps? Ivy finally retiring?
Not a " Waiting for God " type programme but a prog set in a retirement home with some of the old cast creating mayhem as they maybe visit Clegg or Howard?? :me:
Not a " Waiting for God " type programme but a prog set in a retirement home with some of the old cast creating mayhem as they maybe visit Clegg or Howard?? :me:
Maybe Marina trying to sneak in to see Howard and Clegg with a walker or in a wheel chair having to deliver messages or hide from Howard or Marina.
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Not a " Waiting for God " type programme but a prog set in a retirement home with some of the old cast creating mayhem as they maybe visit Clegg or Howard?? :me:

That would be a good one Dick!! Have Ivy cooking for the retirement home. She would still be swinging the tray. Hey , did you notice that they tray never came out much if at all after Compo left. HMMMMM:me: Maybe for a reunion,but do you think there would be enough for a series.?????
Maybe Marina trying to sneak in to see Howard and Clegg with a walker or in a wheel chair having to deliver messages or hide from Howard or Marina.

Ok I'm confused. Why are we putting Howard in a wheelchair? Did he crash his bike or get hit by a truck on his way to see Marina? Lol
I am not sure about someone's reservations about its being a 'Waiting for God' type programme. Does not setting it in a retirement home put it in that genre. And is not Howard a sort of Basil Makepeace?
While it would be interesting to see a programme set in a retirement home, I think this would make the programme incredibly different, and can't see why such a location would be an advantage, since an elderly cast could just as easily be seated in a pub or cafe - real or studio-based.
Interesting observations Unc. The " Waiting for god " was intended as a possibility, not set in stone. WSTOL ,your pub thing is a good one , they could "hold court" in the corner like you used to see older customers do! Each one having his own special place or chair! ;D :wink:
But then again, think of all the hilarious trouble they can get into in a retirement home. Can you say "wheelchair races"! Lol I think having it set in a retirement home would be a great idea.
This how the first episode would open. A race car with a driver and two passengers drives slowly down the road with Loxley Sweets written on the side. They pass by a roadside artist who then turns around. It is Tom. There is nothing on the canvas yet but there is hope. Suddenly two gentlemen show up, Phil O. Sofer and his erstwhile buddy, Campy. They look briefly at the canvas, and Campy observes that white is a good beginning.