Was looking at Wikipedia and saw that this actor had passed away yesterday. He had been in some numerous things. "Jurassic Park: Lost World" and the remake of "Clash of the Titans". He was also in the Last of the Summer Wine episode "A Merry Heatwave". He played the postman. What's odd though, is that it says he was 68 when he passed away. Which means he was in his early 30s in the episode. I'm in my mid-30s and I believe Mike Grady was in his 30s when he started with LotSW. The postman looks older than being in his 30s. Not trying to throw around any ageism here at all, just thought it odd. Either way, Rest in Peace. He was good in the Clash of the Titans remake, and he was in the funny segment in A Merry Heatwave when it was revealed to Nora about her Billy and that basically the postman read the letter. lol