RIP Smiler

Seems to be playing fine still.

It says: [h=1][/h] [h=1]"This video contains content from BBC Worldwide, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.[/h] Sorry about that."

It must be a USA thing. If you post it on the Facebook page, we can probably view it there.
Very sorry to hear about this, though 88 is a pretty long life. I'm happy he will on as Smiler.
It is sad to see another Summer Wine star pass on. Sincerely, out of all the extras in the show from beinning to end, Smiler was probably my very favorite character.

Rest in Peace Stephen Lewis.
Sad to hear that he has passed on.

I thought he did a great job in the series and Smiler was one of the extra characters who really benefited the show.
Smiler was one of my very favorite characters in LOTSW. I was very saddened to hear of his passing today. RIP Mr. Lewis.
Just a short clip I've uploaded to YouTube to mark the passing of Stephen Lewis.

John, I was able to view your clip through the facebook site. I didn't try on youtube. Thanks for sharing.

That clip showed one of his great moments in an episode, How to Create a Monster, that gave him one of his most prominent roles.

However, I always loved the little moments with Smiler with his pitiful tone and facial expressions. Stephen Lewis had a gift for that!

Perhaps it was "Aladdin Gets on Your Wick" where someone is trying to help him up and he says in such a pitiful voice- "Give me a hand....give me a hand."

Also, there was this later episode where he was riding down a hill, out of control on some sort of contraption, where he moves next to Cooper and Walsh in the car, gives them this horrified look, and then passes them down the hill. It was such a simple, common scene that only lasted a few seconds, but Stephen Lewis made it special.
Such sad news another one who has left us a true gentleman from everything I have read about him

R I P Stephen
Watched him today in Holiday On The Buses which always makes me laugh. rip

Holiday on the Buses is a fantastic film, and Stephen Lewis was at his funniest here.

Did you know he really had a foot injury in real life during this film?

Story goes he injured his foot badly at home doing some decorating, and so it had to be written into the film.

I think you'll agree it was very well written into the film, and probably made the film even funnier than it would have been.

(I assume the story is true, no reason to think otherwise.)
Holiday on the Buses is a fantastic film, and Stephen Lewis was at his funniest here.

Did you know he really had a foot injury in real life during this film?

Story goes he injured his foot badly at home doing some decorating, and so it had to be written into the film.

I think you'll agree it was very well written into the film, and probably made the film even funnier than it would have been.

(I assume the story is true, no reason to think otherwise.)

Thanks I never knew that. They did well to write it in the film like you said.

I love all On The Buses films and episodes. Would be too un PC to be made today though sadly