

Staff member
I have just seen something on Facebook and was wondering if its true that there are no round-a-abouts in the USA?
If any of our American friends could please comment on this I'd be grateful and if it is true then your thoughts on them would be interesting too.
We have several right here in the Durham-Chapel Hill area
of North Carolina. Unfortunately, some of the smaller
roundabouts (I believe we call them rotaries) have a
built-up outer ring for use by larger trucks, and it
gets in the way for cars. Still I really like them here.
Just wish others would learn to yield rather than to stop
on entry. In fact, they are about to build another
just down the road from me.
Interesting, thank you. They put them in the weirdest places here and there a some that are just down right dangerous. :)
Here in Ohio they are just starting to put them in to use. Honestly, most people here don't know what to do with them so they are awfully dangerous. National Lampoon's European Vacation has a funny scene that says a lot about how we do with round-abouts!(I cannot get left, or in our case right!) ;D
Here in the Minneapolis area there are quite a few and they keep building more. There was an article in the local paper not long ago that cited studies where they found that roundabouts cut down on traffic accidents. Now if people could just learn how to drive in them!
There are but very few where I live in California. Yes, I've heard it to, that they are seen to help bring traffic down and generally slow down the mad drivers out there. I think they're a good thing to have! That being said, I don't get the feeling it's a big hit here, like it is in other countries.
"Slowing down" isn't a huge virtue in the US.
My late father-in -law once nearly killed us all by turning right at a roundabout into the oncoming traffic intead of feeding round the island :o :o ( I've always turned right just here before. ???) ::)
We have a few here in the Boise Idaho area used to control bad traffic areas
and, so far, they've worked very well. I don't mind them at all.