Royal Mail are Shocked

The post office owned by the public and given away to private company then ruined like the rest of our other assets, who said all our family silver are being given away?
How long will Gregory Pecks be available? You have to wonder , given that so many people don't even carry cash now they just flash their card at a reader and waltz off with their purchase . Some get really shirty when the contactless isn't working and they have to spend a full 10 seconds putting their card in the machine and typing in their pin you can see the frustration on their faces .
When I lived in the USA in teh late 90's the 'college town' I lived in in South Dakota - people paid for EVERYTHING with cheques! Shocked the hell out of me...
Everything from McDonalds, to a can of coke.
Over here across the Pond, we get lots of mail. I have to carefully extract all of the envelopes from the mailbox as there's so much. These are mostly appeals from international aid organizations, national aid organizations, political causes, wild animal causes, cat and dog aid organizations, and the list goes on. Also catalogs -- all kinds of catalogs. Many from stores that used to have actual physical locations but have now gone to sales via catalogs. Oh yes, I still get and pay most of the bills via the mail.
People always said they could enjoy a night out for ten bob [50 p] . If it was exceptional and you say, slept on the bus or train home and ended up miles away, to pacify your good lady or substantiate the fact you had gone AWOL the first thing you did next morning was send a postcard from the place you ended up to your house. It now costs you more for the stamp than the whole night out and journey "away from home" Outrageous !!! :02: