Sad News from Rod Tickner (Barmpot)


Staff member
Rod has asked me to share this with the forum members...................

Very sadly I have to tell you that Mary passed away a little while after midnight on Thursday 3 August at Regency Court, where she had lived for over three years.

The dementia is over, the painful memories are past and the increasing agitation she experienced has come to an end. With thanks to all who cared for her.

As some know she was a Christian who believed in the resurrection and thus we pray may the soul of this faithful departed sister rest in peace and rise in glory.
My condolences on her passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, Rod. Rest in peace, Mary. May you be able to find some comfort in knowing she is in a better place and free from her ailments. Please know you have the support of many members on this forum.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Rod. But rejoicing that she is at peace and with her Lord and Savior.
So sorry to hear of your loss. This is a hideous disease. Also rejoicing that she is at peace and with her Lord at last.