Dedicated Member

Alan JW Bell obituary
Director of Last of the Summer Wine and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who favoured the use of film in making TV programmes
Yes, what a legacy; makes you reflect on one's own impression, if any, upon this world.He has been a huge part of every member who crossed the threshold of this site whether they stayed or otherwise . It is a testimony to the sheer quality of Roy Clarke's scripts and Alan's work , with the cast and crew, which brought those scripts to life and provided so much joy and enjoyment to millions . Without his work , this site would never have started up and continue to thrive. A hugely sad loss , thank you so so much for the entertainment and sure enjoyment you provided.
Totally agree Barry, without him I doubt I would had my little on screen partsI met him fleetingly a number of years ago and I know Terry will have known him much better than me. However I came away realising just how passionate and protective he was about the series and without his tenacity I reckon the BBC would have canned the series much earlier than it did. RIP a wonderful man.
I agree that Mr Bell had a lot more to share and I did speak to him a couple of years after the book, he did not seem that keen at that time in doing anotherFor some reason I found the news of Alan Bell's death pretty shocking. In my mind he was about 10 years younger than he apparently was. So he did Hitchhiker's when he was about 40, whereas I thought he was younger when he did that.
I was also hoping he'd someday update his book about the Summerwine years, as I felt he kept some things out when he wrote it back in 2010ish to protect people who were still alive at the time. Or at least do an interview where he answered some questions he didn't address in that book.
Oh well, still a great career and person worth celebrating, of course.