Series 7, Episode 4; Cheering Up Ludovic


Dedicated Member
Another memorable and much loved episode.

Very similar title to Cheering Up Gordon. Another guest star in this one, the great Bryan Pringle from Roy Clarke's The Growing Pains of PC Penrose.

Always a magic ingredient in LOTSW having some crummy old vehicle.
Brian and Bryan were in The Dustbinmen together.Ludovic was one of the few guest characters I would have liked to seen return
I would place this in the 'good' episode category. Not great but good. There are some nice moments in it, it's a solid episode, not spectacular. About the 4th best of the series, but gets beaten by everything in series 8, 6 and 5 barring Earnshaw. Solid 7/10 episode in amongst a batch of wonderful episodes.
This is one of my least favourite episodes.I'm afraid Ludovic got on my nerves

I was trying to dress it up George, but if the truth were told, this is exactly my view of this episode aswell. In that era, it was a thorn amongst Roses.
To be honest, i quite like this episode, it's one of my favorites.
Ok, he might be slightly ott but that could well be the way the director wanted him to act?

G ; )
i agree with george with this one, not a classic, just summat about it that doesnt click for me, but not all of the 295 are gonna be classics
I liked the episode: I have known people like Ludovic - so did not regard it as OTT.

And I have known vehicles in about as good shape actually used on the public road.

If anyone was driving in Leeds in about 1983 they may have seen a blue Simca stop - usually in the most unhelpful place possible - and the driver get out, lift the bonnet and reach down, then slam the bonnet get back in and drive off. That was me reconnecting the gear linkage that came apart if you forgot to double declutch meaning you only had first gear! Thinking about it - quite dangerous as the parts were still rotating!!