Series 8 Favourite Episode

The Mysterious Feet Of Nora Batty - This whole episode has me laughing from start to finish, particularly when they are pressing Wally outside the house to try and imagine Nora in her nightie - Compo's reaction's are priceless and when Nora ejects Wally from the house with all the finesse of a nightclub bouncer ;D
This is a real tough one. For my money series 8 saw Summer Wine in its absolute pomp, the best series of all. Each episode was a cracker, well written and beautifully executed.
In fact I'd say that all of my fave ever episodes are in this series. It's a close one between Keeping Britain Tidy and The Mysterious Feet and I'd just go with The Feet I think, although I do love Who's Looking after the Cafe aswell..."a bit tucked away in a Eunuchs Truss"...