Series Eighteen


Staff member
This is a sad but great series, I'm so happy that Foggy left us while he was on top.

There are so many really good episodes from this one, Destiny And Six Bananas just nudges to the front closely followed by The Mysterious C.W. Northrop. The idea of Smiler being in love with Ivy's yorkshire pudding is so funny.

I think the only letdown for me is Love Mobile.

From here on in for me there wasn't any really great series but there were some great episodes.
How to Create a Monster might be the second best.

Destiny and Six Bananas was the Best.

I always thought they should have switched A Side Car Named Desire and Destiny and Six Bananas around, because Destiny would have been a perfect swansong for Foggy. Although I am sure they weren't thinking about such things when they were arranging the episodes. I forgot if indeed they knew it was Foggy's last season during the time of filming. I am sure someone will inform me.

In addition to being a great episode, it puts Foggy in a different and positive light. Foggy is usually afraid of people and things and tries to pass off as having to restrain himself. In Destiny and Six Bananas he takes on the role of a proper military leader and prepares and goes right into the woods looking for the gorilla. I just loved seeing him in the miliary outfilt hanging on the edge of the truck.
The scene where he gets off the bus cracks me put and the statement about using Horlicks is brilliant.

I think they were expecting him to return at some point but it was never to be.
Again plenty of good episodes. "Destiny" was probably the best by a small margin. I also like "Deviations with Davenport".
Its no good I am going to have to watch some of these later series, I have always shied away a little because I love the smaller cast and vitality of the early ones, but you are all making me think again.
"Deviations With Davenport" is a favorite of mine."The Mysterious C.W. Northrup" and "Destiny and Six Bananas" are both great. "The Love Mobile" is one of my least favorites of the whole show.
I always thought they should have switched A Side Car Named Desire and Destiny and Six Bananas around, because Destiny would have been a perfect swansong for Foggy. Although I am sure they weren't thinking about such things when they were arranging the episodes. I forgot if indeed they knew it was Foggy's last season during the time of filming. I am sure someone will inform me.

They didn't know. In fact, Wilde was supposed to come back for Series 19. Then, due to health, he was supposed to miss the first half of Series 19 but return for the second half. His health prevented the mid-filming return, so he was supposed to come back and film the "holiday" episode that would explain his absence with the expectation he would be back for Series 20. Exactly how that didn't work out in the end is still somewhat unclear to me given the different accounts in Vine and Bell's books.

As for Series 18, I like all the episodes except the holiday special, "Extra Extra." I've just never liked that one. George Chakris as the director doesn't do anything for me, for one, and the whole thing with Compo riding a horse seems like another shot at a joke we've already seen. Finally, there is a subplot involving Barry getting Glenda a moped for her birthday that just seems totally tacked on to make sure the episode lasted long enough.
Destiny And Six Bananas is a classic, worth it for the Horlicks gag alone! I liked the new assertive Smiler in How to Create a Monster. I've always wondered if Compo really was up on the chimney in In A Clean Sweep? It was very well filmed if he wasn't, he certainly looked as if he was. According To The Prophet Bickerdyke and The Love Mobile were the weakest episodes in this series.
There's a lot of guest stars in this series.

I'm going to be different and say I thought The Love Mobile was my favourite.

Extra, Extra looked so promising at the start, I don't know why that one didn't work.

Always thought the 'Wally Batty' theme should have been re-played in A Side Car...
Extra, Extra looked so promising at the start, I don't know why that one didn't work.

It stopped making me laugh at the point of Compo's song & dance. From there to the end seemed like just filling the required time.

Actually John , I quite liked Bickerdyke. (It was quite silly!;D )As I've said before though, it wouldn't do for us all to like the same things! :12:
Speaking of song and dance, I would have welcomed any song and dance. June Whitfield and Peter Sallis could have sung accompanied by Frank Thornton on the piano. And of course, any singing and dancing would have had to be worked into the story line.
I think the only letdown for me is Love Mobile. .

I agree. In fact, in my opinion "Love Mobile" was perhaps one of the weakest shows of the entire LOSW.
The bickering between the two main protagonists was totally unfunny to the point of being embarrassing.
I am truly (!!) sorry but I think Maggie Ollerenshaw was
great in The Love Mobile. I really liked that episode.
She's always been a favorite of mine.

I report back to work on Monday, so my viewing of Destiny and Six Bananas might be the last episode I catch for a while. It is a great show to go out on and I am being repetitive when I say this, but everytime I see this episode I think it is the ideal swansong for Foggy. Of course I realize they expected him to return.

How to create a Monster is excellent as well. As I read through this thread just aboyut every episode got mentioned except for A Double for Howard. This episode has stood out to me over the last two times I saw this for outstanding lines. There is so much hilarious dialogue when Ivey throws Howard and Compo out, in various interactions between Howard and others when he desperately tries to find someone to match his height, dialogue around Vernon Sedwick, etc. The storyline is a basic one, but due to the particularly funny dialgoe and the pranking of Vernon Sedwick, a Double for Howard is a highly underrated episode.

Deviations with Davenport got praise from others. I particularly liked the trailer with the swivel chairs!
I have watched According to the Prophet Bickerdyke many times but it is my least favourite episode of that series weak throughout and telegraphed ending . I enjoyed the Love Mobile , people are perhaps turned off by the fact that the lion's share of the show is about Maggie Ollerenshaw/Kenneth Cope characters and the main cast take a bit of a back seat but I love the parody of a Dating Agency run by a constantly bickering couple . The rest of the episodes are firm favourites .
Actually John , I quite liked Bickerdyke. (It was quite silly!;D )As I've said before though, it wouldn't do for us all to like the same things! :12:

As I say above Captain, it wouldn't do for us all to like the same!:30: I know its not the same series but I got bored with the "Compo is jealous of Smiler " episodes quite quickly!:me:
As I say above Captain, it wouldn't do for us all to like the same!:30: I know its not the same series but I got bored with the "Compo is jealous of Smiler " episodes quite quickly!:me:

Quick Quick Slow? No I'm not a fan of that either.
I have watched According to the Prophet Bickerdyke many times but it is my least favourite episode of that series weak throughout and telegraphed ending . I enjoyed the Love Mobile , people are perhaps turned off by the fact that the lion's share of the show is about Maggie Ollerenshaw/Kenneth Cope characters and the main cast take a bit of a back seat but I love the parody of a Dating Agency run by a constantly bickering couple . The rest of the episodes are firm favourites .

There was a lot of mentioning of the Love Mobile in this thread. Oddly enough, in my many years of watching Summer Wine, I never saw it until last week. I suppose Ollerenshaw and Cope are big stars but I never heard of them, so they were just regular guests for me. I didn't mind them. They were "funny" in the Love Mobile, just not hilarious. I would have prefered most of the comedy stick with the regulars. So The Love Mobile was slightly below average for me, but still decent.

Perhaps, it is a more recent version of the Quiet Drink in the way of an episode with a heavier emphasis on guests. So like these episodes, most don't. At least for me, The Love Mobile beats A Quiet Drink.