Series Nineteen

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I like to watch this series and look for the episodes that were originally meant to be Foggy episodes. It seems to me that the last two in the series, "From Aubrey Nash. . ." and "Support Your Local Skydiver," were very likely originally Foggy episodes.

"From Aubrey Nash . . ." has a few clues, the main one being some inconsistency with what we were earlier told about Truly's youth. Truly is supposed to have grown up with Clegg and Compo but left at a certain point when his family moved. Its implied that this move happened before his teenage years, at least as far as I can tell. And yet in this episode Truly is supposed to have "dated" Aubrey Nash in his teen years. Of course, the episode leaves it somewhat vague as to whether Truly's recollection is correct or not since the widow who arrives doesn't remember him at all.

"Support Your Local Skydiver" has some dialogue for Truly in it that is very reminiscent of Foggy. I could easily see Brian Wilde delivering it, whereas I think they otherwise made a clear effort to make Truly a different type of third man.