Series Twenty Four.


Staff member
I like Entwistle, I really did, I know some didn't but I did. He was fun to watch and he should have been used and his character explored more.

So this series was good because it introduced Entwistle I also liked the Secret Birthday Of Norman Clegg and I think I'm right in saying its the one time that we learn that Wesley is no more so its sad and funny. I liked how they were nice to Marina too, it showed her desperate side which I found ?? Well I'm not sure what I found it but I liked to three of them kinda enjoying each others company.
I like Entwistle, too. Andrew Vine writes that Roy Clarke particularly asked for Burt Kwouk to be recruited for the cast because he especially wanted to write for him (p.264).

Yes I also liked "The Secret Birthday" As for Entwistle, I think you could take him or leave him. But he had some very good and funny lines in the series.
Secret Birthday is my favorite too. In Gavin Hinchcliff poor Miss Davenport is introduced to us as a desperate female also and that theme is carried on throughout the years. I was never a big fan of Entwistle but as said previously he did have some good lines. I thought The Miraculous Curing of Old Goff Helliwell was one of the better efforts this series also.
I quite liked Entwhistle, with his Eastern Yorkshire (check out the position of Hull?) philosophy and belief that any situation could be improved by "buying new washing machine".
I quite liked Entwhistle, with his Eastern Yorkshire (check out the position of Hull?) philosophy and belief that any situation could be improved by "buying new washing machine".

I need new washing machine.
Well Pearl, your series threads have really taught me something, that there is actually a good bit of differences between the quality of each series, not just each era. For example, once you surpassed the great Series 12, I figured the rest of the Foggy years would be lumped into a bunch of mediocre reviews. However, it turns out that specific series can be much better or worse than the following year.

It seems to be that way with Series 24 being a lot better tha series 23, and here, all along I figured "its all post-Compo Trully years".

This is definitely a solid series. I believe all are good. During the Trully years, and perhaps some other years, I notice the strongest episode is often the first one. I believe Lair of the Cat Creature is one of the best post-Compo episodes ever.

However, I find the first six are a bit better than the rest oft he series. I really like the intro to Entwistle in Ancient Easter Wisdom. I forgot one of Entwistle's first quotes, but it was to Clegg and Trully and went something like "you seem like an ancient civilized people, an you help me with my truck". I knowe I have it wrong now. I also really liked Pick Up of the Later Ming Dynasty. Wasn't it Trully who got his tie caught in the wheel? Wasn't that with the whole gang, Clegg, Trully, Entwistle, Billy, Smiler, and Tom. I love seeing them all together.

Then the Secret Birthday is another great episode. I always like the episodes where the guys have to dress up for certain occasions, and appreciate different settings, not to mention a great storyline. My first ever memory of Summer Wine was Gavin Hinchcliffe on skiis on the van, and I also enjoyed Miraculous Curing a lot, especially for his reasoning for not dying on a Tuesday, because his wife made a good meat loaf.

The other episodes are good, but the first six are great and each for various reasons.
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There is a lot of talk about Entwistle in this thread. One advantage Entwistle had over Tom, Billy, or Alvin, is he didn't have the impossible role of replacing Compo. He replaced another great character, Wesley, but he wasn't a main character.

I loved the early Entwistle. However, I also liked Wesley a lot. I know a lot of fans here especially liked Wesley because he properly represented Yorkshire. However, those regional differences are way beyond me.

But here is a big difference in the treatment of Entwistle. When he was introduced, he had huge roles. His first two episodes were practically centered around him. Wesley, never quite had that. I thought Entwistle was great, but also missed dearly. Too bad they couldn't have worked together.
This series was released last week in the US and I've finished watching it tonight. I hadn't seen any of these for several years as the later seasons all disappeared from YouTube around that time. On the whole I agree with other comments about what were the good episodes.

A few negatives. First, I'm not sure why they felt the need to give Entwistle a specific musical cue. Seemed unnecessarily stereotypical.

Second, and a bigger issue, is I don't get why they used "Goff Helliwell" as the name of the character in "The Miraculous Curing . . . " for that particular episode when they had used "Goff Helliwell" as a notable character back in Series 19 in "The Only Diesel Saxophone in Captivity." At least that is the first name IIRC for that earlier character. While Clarke did often reuse names, I'm not aware of another case where he reused a name attached to another major guest character as appears to be the situation here, unless the original idea was to bring back the earlier actors and it just wasn't possible.

Edit: I went back and looked and in "The Only Diesel Saxophone . . ." it's actually "Gordy" and not "Goff" Helliwell. It's still a very close name, though, and confusing if you remember the earlier episode.
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A couple of things that always tickled me in this batch, in the Secret Birthday of Norman Clegg Truly & Clegg meet Marina by the church in New Mill they cross the road and they are at the Hotel in Huddersfield several miles away

In the Gavin Hinchcliffe episode Tom walks the school wall,if you look hard you can tell there must be a board the other side of the wall,as often his feet are not on the top of the wall,Compo always appeared to be actually walking the wall,maybe a health & safety issue when Tom walked it
A couple of things that always tickled me in this batch, in the Secret Birthday of Norman Clegg Truly & Clegg meet Marina by the church in New Mill they cross the road and they are at the Hotel in Huddersfield several miles away

In the Gavin Hinchcliffe episode Tom walks the school wall,if you look hard you can tell there must be a board the other side of the wall,as often his feet are not on the top of the wall,Compo always appeared to be actually walking the wall,maybe a health & safety issue when Tom walked it

I'd noticed the wall Terry and figured the same as you. Not knowing the hotel I'd no idea it was miles away . :)
I'd noticed the wall Terry and figured the same as you. Not knowing the hotel I'd no idea it was miles away . :)

Me too, its pretty noticeable, it's also noticeable when Cleggy walks the gate in When you Take A Bit Yorkshire Tastes Terrible.
Series 24

Tagged onto 24 is the Christmas Special of 2003 A short blast of Fred Astaire which is really good Entwistle is to the fore when his ancient skills of hypnotism are put to good use and of course it all goes wrong and the whole bunch of them end up dancing at the bus stop with guest star Lionel Blair .
Bert Kwouk had a great line in his opening episode, in reply to Cleggy asking how he got the name Entwistle he replies "I changed my name, didn't I. From MacIntyre; I was forever being mistaken for a Scot".

Overall series 24 comes over as very strong throughout personally I cannot single out any episode as being particularly weak .
A couple of things that always tickled me in this batch, in the Secret Birthday of Norman Clegg Truly & Clegg meet Marina by the church in New Mill they cross the road and they are at the Hotel in Huddersfield several miles away

In the Gavin Hinchcliffe episode Tom walks the school wall,if you look hard you can tell there must be a board the other side of the wall,as often his feet are not on the top of the wall,Compo always appeared to be actually walking the wall,maybe a health & safety issue when Tom walked it

Maybe Bill had excellent wall walking skills and Tom didn't get those genes. But it is interesting that somehow Tom got to do exactly the same stuff that his father did. They did happen to feature Compo atop a pile of furniture on Auntie Wainwright's cart. He rode it like a king. And then son Tom got to spend a whole bunch of time pushing and pulling the same cart. And then there was the water skiing episode where Compo attempted to water ski while wearing his wellies. And then there was the episode where Truly and Clegg recounted his father's water skiing to Tom.

Is there a name for when someone on a TV show recalls a particular event and that event really occurred with that person on a previous show? There are also some early Inspector Lewis episodes where Lewis recalls something that Morse did, and Morse aficionados can point to that exact event.