Sleep Disorder


Staff member
A friend of mine went to the doctors regarding a sleep disorder, eventually he went to see a specialist who gave him some medication which could help, this produced side effects,so to combat this he was told he had to drink a lot of water,which did help with the side effects, yes you have guessed, this kept him up half the night with visits to the loo
We I went to see a sleep specialist he recommended a book, so we find the book and I read it.
When I went back he asked how I found the book, I told him it worked great, it was so damned boring I was fast asleep by chapter 3!
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They gave me a machine to help me sleep. Hate it! I don't want the drugs because when I wake up,I am groggy. Only good thing is I can be on line with my mates on your side of the pond,which isn't bad at all,but makes for a looooong day for me.:coffee:
They gave me a machine to help me sleep. Hate it! I don't want the drugs because when I wake up,I am groggy. Only good thing is I can be on line with my mates on your side of the pond,which isn't bad at all,but makes for a looooong day for me.:coffee:

A couple of my friends who used the CPAP and felt much better, but hated it, switched to an oral device custom made by their dentists and they've had great results.

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i have been using a CPAP machine for around six months and now I am getting used to it find it does help me sleep much better.